chapter 1

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Patch and Colette smiled to their puppies as they were all gathered by the fireplace together.

"Are you kids all snuggled in?" Patch smiled.

"Yes, Dad." Dot and Scruffy smiled back.

"Can you tell us a story now, Daddy?" Dot asked.

"Alright, alright," Patch laughed before humming to himself before knowing which story to tell. "I know just the story to tell."

"And what story would that be?" Scruffy grinned. "Is it about The Air Buddies?"

"Nope," Patch said. "This is before them."

"Aw..." Scruffy pouted.

"Is it the story of when you and our aunts and uncles were kidnapped by Cruella and Grandma Perdita and Grandpa Pongo saved you and you all lived happily ever after?" Dot asked.

"You've both heard that story a million times." Colette giggled.

"No, no, this is the story about the Santa Pups." Patch said.

"Ooh..." Dot and Scruffy replied.

"And how I learned the responsibility of puppies the first time." Patch said.

"That's how you got to bond with the Buddies?" Dot asked.

"Oh, yes," Patch smiled. "I wanted to learn how to take care of puppies, because, well, you know, I was going out with your mother."

Colette blushed underneath her fur.

"It all started a long, long time ago..." Patch began to narrate as we are shown back in time to before Dot and Scruffy were born. "Now this was also going to be my third adventure in Christmas."

Scruffy and Dot looked very excited.

At school, everyone was on the edge as they waited for it to be 3:00 so that they could go home for Winter Break. Once the school bell rang, everyone rushed out.

"Ah, the holidays," Atticus smiled. "Also my first Christmas as an uncle."

"Hooray for you." Cherry replied.

"I can't wait to spend Christmas with the family." Mo smiled.

"Yeah, Christmas is a great time of year," Cherry admitted. "Plus that means chocolate candies from Mom."

"I have a feeling this year will be great." Atticus smiled.

"Do the Pound Puppies do anything for Christmas?" Mo asked. "I wonder if I should bake any treats for Patch to take with him for them?"

"Hmm... I think they spend Christmas with their owners." Atticus said.

"I think I'll make a special treat." Mo replied.

"I hope they're better than those ginger snaps you made for the veterinarian's office," Cherry said. "Those made me sick and not in a good way like Grandmama Addams' cooking."

"Those were liver snaps, Cherry." Mo smirked innocently.

"Yuck!" Cherry grimaced.

Atticus and Mo chuckled to Cherry's misfortune. Cherry soon took out her toothpaste and squirted it on her tongue while brushing violently with her toothbrush.

Meanwhile with Patch...

Patch was chewing on a bone in the living room while watching TV until the others would come home or he would be called for a mission. Whichever would come first. He was just excited that Atticus would be on Winter Break now which meant they would get to spend more time together as dog and owner, but then, his dog tag started to glow and sparkle. "Hmm?" He asked before putting his bone aside for a moment before standing up on all fours. "Looks like I've got a job to do," He soon saw familiar magic come from it as it swirled around him. "Ooh..." he said to himself.

Patch and the Santa PupsWhere stories live. Discover now