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I sat back in the chair, drinking a glass of red wine. Most people wouldn't want to get it on the dress, but I didn't care. More pity for me. "So, you ready to do this, Meghan."

"Yeah, I did come up with it." I set my wine down, getting up to straighten my fiancé's tie.

"You look good," he smirked. Meghan, stop it. This is fake, and he's not going to be your husband at the end of the day, I thought.

"You too. Now let's get this show on the road." I started toward the door, heart still beating from being in such close proximity to him. Considering we had kissed before, I shouldn't have felt that way. But it was never like that, it was always for them. There was always cameras, and fancy gowns.

I had my perfectly manicured fingers on the handle when I felt his hand on my shoulder. I spun around, heart speeding up again. I could smell his cologne, the one I picked out just for the wedding.

We stared at each other, for once it being just me and him. I started turning back to the door, to stop myself from letting my emotions get the best of me. I had made this my fate, I had decided I wanted this. So, there I was with my fake fiance who I had put up to purposely jilting me so I had the spotlight. All I wanted to do was scream that I loved him, but that would be pointless. He doesn't love you, it's all fake.

"Wait!" I turned to him, soon being enveloped in his arms. "Good luck, I hope it goes well."

"Thank you." And with that, I was gone.

I stood at the doors, ready to walk down the aisle to my future, the future where I get attention because I was the poor, jilted actress Meghan Vail. I had chose this though, so I sucked it up and walked down that aisle. Shakily, I smiled as I took each step.

And then I was there. I was standing in the spot where I hoped my life would change for the better, but would now be concluded to being ruined. I blankly stared past Mark, thinking about the day I asked him.

"Famed Actress Meghan Vail Has Been Accused Of Cheating!" I stared at the magazine in horror. It was true, but I was more concerned with how this would affect my future. I needed people to be on my side. I needed a redemption. And as twisted as it is, people forget about your faults when you've been hurt.

"Can I buy you a drink," asked Mark. At the time I didn't know him, and thought he was some random at a bar. Well he was, but now he's so much more to me.

"Yeah. Actually, can I ask you a favor?" I had no idea where I was going with it, but when he nodded his head yes I continued, "Will you get engaged to me and then leave me at the altar."

"Your a little drunk, maybe we should get you home," he spoke, confused expression etched onto his face.

"Listen, I could pay you tons of money. I can give you anything you want." I picked up the magazine and showed it to him.

"I'll have to decline, but I'll call you a cab."

I hopped off the stool and placed a hand on his chest, "Okay, just think about it, pretty boy. And I can call my own cab." He called me a week later, saying he needed the money. He didn't say what, and I didn't care at the time. He was merely another one of my puppets that I would cruelly use then dispose of.

"Speak now or forever hold your peace." I glanced at Mark, slightly wincing. I stared into his eyes, wishing I could beg him to stay quiet. He stared back, eyes glossy.


I cut him off, "I object to the objection!" The many who gathered to see us looked very confused. How could I object to an objection that didn't take place yet.

"Good," he whispered.

I bit my lip, eyes widened. I had nothing to say yet, I was in disbelief. Then I saw his lip quiver, suddenly bringing me back to reality. "Really," I whispered back hopefully. "Does that mean. . ." I trailed off, nodding at the large crowd of people staring. I wondered if he was okay with me telling them. He nodded.

"Excuse me, I know this must seem very weird. And honestly it is, this didn't go how I planned or how you planned. And trust me, those are two very different things. A while back, I was in a scandal, being accused of cheating. I was was throwing myself a pity party at the bar, and sitting across from this very man. And I had a terrible, terrible idea. That idea was that he was going to come up here today and leave me jilted so that everyone else would pity me too. And because he's a good man, he said no. But then in financial crisis, he had no other choice than to accept. So that's how we got here, with me objecting an objection from the man I'm madly in love with." I paused. "However, there will be no wedding today." Mark's grin fell, his whole expression turning blank.

"Because, this is now my real fiance, that is if he'll have me." I smiled at Mark. "And I want our wedding, ours, to be perfect. And that means I'll have to stop calling all the shots, and make decisions together. Perfect also means that we will be surrounded by people who love us. That means no paparazzi, and only people who are willing to stand by me in the upcoming storm that is the scandal of Meghan Vail and Her Fake Wedding."

With those final words, I stretched out my hand for Mark to take, and together we ran down the aisle. And man was it better running together instead of me dragging him like my old self would have.

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