Walls are friends. A poetry slam. (?)

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The time has come.

Oh, look

Who's gonna ask what's wrong?

Someone volunteers.

They saunter up.

"Dear what's the problem?

You can trust anyone of us.

We will never leave.

We are your



Come on,

No need to be shy."

One would proceed to contemplate,

But after a while

Tape gets put onto our mouth

As they let more words run into the world.

"Oh hey!

I just remembered,

There is an event tonight,

Would you like to go?

There will be food,




What happened to them caring?

Wouldn't they like an anwser?

I guess... It's back to the corner with the rain

Whilst a fire reigns in the soul...


A smile gets inputed to the robot.

Although a little grease is need,

The robot releases the phrase:

No, thank you. I am tired.


What a lie!

But wait!

Where'd they go?

Found them!

Well, just their shadow...

They left a long time ago.


No one cares.


When we are asked a

"Concering"  question

The world


But the reply?

Taped to the front doors of our minds and eyes.

But then again,

/Who/ (really) cares?

Flyers get passed around all day,

What is one little sign going to do?

It'll get tossed away as the others do.

Paper recycles


How come these flyers haven't been turned to something new?

Oh yeah!

They only get burned

Becoming worse and worse




The sign isn't taped anymore.


It's hanging on a heigh level.


It's cut up leaving little traces behind of what used to create it.


It's drenched in the bathtub,

Lost at the beach,

Finding a new place in the ocean.



Now it's their turn to scream.

Now it's their turn to cry.

Now it's their turn to hide.

But ...

What happened to caring?

It got lost?

It got forgotten?



Who knows?

They had said "fuck you" from anger.

They had said "help me" from desperation.

They had said "don't leave" from hopelessness.

Now where is the flyer?

When did they go through the factory and become a robot?

How were so many masks crafted?

Why did they never find out?

Oh yeah,

Only the walls cared.


i hope this uploads correctly so it can be red right.

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