My First Rehersal

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So It is so early in the morning to be waking up. Is it like 9:30.

So as I get out of my chair I look at my clock and it says 11:22.

You should have saw the look on my face.

I was so shocked.

I had turned my head to see if Jake was up and he was still sleep and he had woke up already I was so surprised.

So I get dressed very fast and then I ran to the Auditorium and I see that they had already started and I think that I am going to be in a huge amount of trouble.

So as I walk in the Auditorium Mr. Ronni gives me that look and I know that you better be on time for the next rehearsal.

So when we are leaving he has pulled me aside and had said "even though  you came late I love the effort you put in your music and sing.

"You are really going g to be a singer when you grow up" said Mr Ronni.

I was so happy when he had said that to me and now I have a lot of confidence.

it wasn't like I didn't.

Next rehearsal I have to be on time. 

I was shocked that Jake had woke up before because Jake is like a late bird.

So next rehearsal I have to wake up with Jake even if he decides to wake up early next rehearsal.

So one thing that Mr R. had said was that we only have a week to get the song down packed.

I believe that we could do it.

If everyone is dedicated then we could do it and I know I have faith in everyone.

So as I am walking back to my den I remember that I have to ask Mr R about that picture I had saw yesterday.

So good thing that he was walking really slow because I had caught up to him just in time before He walked in his den.

"Um Mr R sorry to bother you during your singing but I just want to know if know why there is a picture of  Mona Lisa singing. 

"So you noticed that to here is one thing that no one knows about Mona Lisa  is that she was a singer and a fantastic singer" replayed Mr R.

So I am about to go to bed because we had rehearsals for about 7 hours and it was harder then you think.

So I am going to check my emails then I am going to bed.

So I am on my computer and come to find out I have 4 emails.

Two of the Emails was about Wee World and how someone Friend me.

The other one was about how a college was watching me sing and they would like to know that they would like me to sing leader when I get into college.

The last one was about how another college wanted me to sing leader for then and it was LaGuardia and I always wanted to go there so that of course I am going to choose that college.

So I am going to look over it tomorrow when I wake up.

Night, night everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2012 ⏰

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