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The time of myth and magic is behind us. The time where all our problems began from the hands of Morgana Pendragon.
The death of the once and future king had and always will be on the shoulders of the now not so young sorcerer Merlin.
A couple thousand years have gone by. His world travels not so often anymore. The only friend Merlin has during these times is a his warlock apprentice, Alec. Merlin's had too many apprentices since Queen Guinevere passed so long ago. He could barely say yes to the eager teen 9 years before now.

Sometime in late 2015, almost every night Alec had to wake Merlin from night terrors. The calling out for Arthur and screaming occasionally bursting all the lightbulbs in the house.

Neighbors complained as it progressed over a month. Merlin was having visions during the day. Alec was scared of what might happen so he put a magic barrier around Merlin so he wouldn't accidentally harm someone. Merlin became mentally out of control on just three months. He'd gone mad from the dreams.
With any of the night terrors he would never tell Alec about what was in them. Alec had decided to place him in an institution.

Another year went past. Merlin had gotten a lot better and was out of the hospital for two months now.
"We should go to Albion.' Merlin said. 'I feel... The time is near.'

Finally; (Merthur) Arthur's Resurection AUWhere stories live. Discover now