1 Girl at an All BOYS Boarding School Chapter 3

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''Woah. This dorm is amazing!''

''Yeah. Well... this is your room. You share with me.''

''Great. Well, I'm going to unpack..''

''Okay. The others will decide after. Wait up.''


''I'm going to unpack, too.''


*They both go into there huge bedroom they share. By the way, they have there own living room, kitchen, and each bedroom has 1 washroom in it.*

*Nick shuts and locks the door.*

''Why did you do that?''

''Because. I love you. Want to be boyfriend and girlfriend?''

''Yess!'' *Screams*

*Samantha unpacks, and Nick does to.*

*They are both done unpacking.*

''When does my Grandpa want to see me?''

''He said he would come to the dorm after. He knows your here.''


''Lets kiss.... but in a different way.''

''How so?''

''Nakedly. If thats fine with you.''

''Yeah, it is.''

*They both get naked.*

Wow. I've known this guy for a couple hours, we are offically a couple, and know, we are both naked in the same room, going to kiss.

''Your tits... are huge.''

''Yeah. I get them from my moms side of the family..''

''How old are you?''

''15. You?'' ............ ''Same.''

''What size are they?''

''They are a C cup.''


''Yeah. Know lay on my Bed, and I'll come on you and kiss You.''

''Okay.'' ............ *Lays on his Bed*

''Are you a Virgin?''

''Yes. Are you?'' ......... ''Yeup. Maybe we can....''

''no. Not so fast. Maybe in a couple months, Okay?''


*Nick goes on top of Samantha, and they both start to kiss.*

*Nick slowly moves in hand down and starts to grab her tits*

''Nick!'' *The HeadMaster yells at him. he has a key.*

''It wasn't like that Sir.''

''Your trying to have sex, with my granddaughter??''

*The other roomates here, and come in and see us Naked.*

Mike is thinking; Wow. She has such big tits... hmm.

HeadMaster; ''Get out you guys now. I have to deal with these two.''

*They get out, and the HeadMaster locks the door and slams it.*

''I have no choice, but to spank you Nick.''

''No! It wasn't just his fault. It was mine, too. You spank Him, You spank me.''

''I know hun, but your new here, Nick should know better.''

''We were just kissing. Nakedly. No more no less.''

''She's right, Sir.''

''Samantha. I will spank both of you. But I am spanking Nick first. So lay on your bed, and watch me Spank him. So then you have an idea if you ever get spanked here.''

*Nick is scared as f**k.*

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