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         We all looked at each other in surprise at this news, "But how could you, we didn't send word ahead!"

" Yes well, I can see and hear through the air's eyes and ears, you see?" he repiled.

" No, I don't see, you are the one with the control over the air not me," said kellon. We all looked at  him in surprise because we didn't realize he was awake. 

" Yes, well now, I am Royston and i will be teaching you how to use your abilities but for now we will worry about what are your abilities. Well lets see, you, kellon i believe , you have fire along with this one whose name I can't remember. Justin has air and if you have air you have water also, and the next boy, Saleem has earth so that leaves the girl with water." he said all that within 30 seconds.

" What!" we all asked.

"Justin has air and water, saleem has earth, stephanie has water and the both of you have fire, like me," said darren.

"Wait if you are from a different world how come you know about the supernova and have abilities."

"Well i once lived here and when the supernova came I was in the middle of it and i had the ability of fire and space travelling but about six months after the supernova, after I was accepted into the supernova (group), I space travelled to the world you found me on but my space travelling abilities didn't work there so I was forced to live there for 13 years."

"What about the lorax, what abilities does he have because he took control over me, I mean I was forced to hurt you guys.......and girl," said kellon.

"The lorax has amazing abilities over materials like metal and wood.............and has an unusual control over his army, the glaceon and he took you over with a piece of wood which must be the extention of one of his glaceon's mind abilities so the glaceon controls you and he controls it," and as if anticipating our next question he added as an after thought," I know this because he tried to use it on me."

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