Chapter 2

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 I woke up, my face was sweaty sticking to a hard cold surface. I was surrounded by white, everywhere, I couldn't tell the floor from the wall. I didn't know where the light sorce was. Either I  died and went to heaven or I could be in Hell. I no longer wore my regular etire that was replaced with a plain white hospital gown. I searched for my pistol, it was gone.

"Damn it!" I cussed slamming my fists into the floor, the floor cracked. I looked at my hands, no bruise or broken bones. I didn't even know I had such strength. I sighed and sat down on the crack. My captures would notice it and I'd be in even deeper shit. I sighed and curled my tail around me hugging it close.

My ears pricked, there was a low humming sound. Then suddenly three out of four walls came alive with screens of scientists. I turned my back to them.

"Kind of touchy," one said. "Very interesting..."

"Does it speak?" Came a womens voice. I turned around showing my canine teeth and spat, "of course I speak you numbskulls! Do I look like a fricking mute to you!" Then they began scribbling on their God foresaken clip boards. I hated this, hated them, and hated being in a tight encloser, surrounded by humans without a gun!

     There was another sound only this time it was a high pitched screeching noise. I screamed covering my ears, and watched in horror as they wrote on their clip boards. The sound stopped. I stood up angerily and cussed at them with every dirty name in the book. "I am not your fricking lab rat! I demand that you release me!"

    They all starred, clueless, they continued to write down on their clip boards probaly writing, Responds to high pitch sounds, very bad temper, and a little moody.  Well no doubht, I knew a few other Meekotu that would be absoultely pissed if you played a high pitch sound. Suddenly there was another low hum and I was left with one wall of scientists. I sat down turning my back to them.

     A beam of pure light blue light emitted throughout my entire room. I turned as someone was pushed through a door into my room. The light disapeared and standing in the middle of my room was a male. He looked Meekotu but I knew he was one of their experiments so I got up and stood my ground. I looked him over, olive green eyes, golden hair, pale skinned, and had two golden coloured fox ears poking out from his head but I couldn't see his tail. He crossed his arms over his chest and turned away from me, revealing the two golden colored fox tails.

    "Hello?" I said, I needed to get out of here and I was going to need help. He turned around, his eyes scanning my entire body. Then looked into my eyes, "Ruby Fox..." He laughed returning his arms to his side, "you're supposed to be my mate. At first I had no idea who my mate was going to be, but now that I know... I don't mind that it's you. I've heard so many stories about you, I admire you for your strength and speed. Now that I've seen your memories... I realize that I don't mind at one bit." I need to get out of here and now that you are here you can help me escape. His thoughts ran through my head. My face heated up still embarassed but..."How the hell did you see my memories?"

"I'm a freak. They made me stronger then three men combined, able to read a persons mind and memmories, and able to sense their emotions. I'm known to them as Alpha-97 but I named my self Miles Prower like the two-tailed fox from Sonic. I'm sixteen like your self and was a test tube baby." He held out his hand for me to shake, I took it. "I'm Ruby Fox but you already know that."

He smiled and pushed me up against a wall, there was a low hum signaling the scientists were gone. Miles pressed up against me kissing me. There's a camera above you. He thought to me.I reached my hands up and activated the laser on my communicator melting the camera. Miles backed away from me and went to one of the walls pressing his back against it. A door opened and Miles grabbed the guy's neck and twisted it snapping his neck. The scientist fell and Miles gestured for me to go with him... Suddenly there was a big explosion from down the hall. I smiled as the alarms began to shrill. Smoke filled the corridor.

      "Hey Agent Fox. Happy to see me?" The chief laughed a good old rusty laugh. He was in his army etire and handed me and army jacket and pistol.

"This your mate?" The chief asked with a big smile plastered across his face.

"Ha ha. Very funny...No but he's going to be a great agent once we get him out of here." I said proudly. The chief's eyes fell onto the scientist that laid crumpled upon the floor. Then he said, "let's shut this place down." He pulled out a shot gun....

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