Chapter 2: I escaped

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I escaped. Yes; that's true.
I escaped when things started to change, actually a few a hours before it's new were in the air, I got lucky that I had still had some friends in the Intelligence headquarters. They informed me that the government and scientists' ambitions had gone beyond their control, and the situation was getting worse by the second.
I wasn't a coward, but I wasn't a fearless soldier either.
I was just a curious philosophy student who happened to be exceptionally hawk-eyed. I could see some tiny little details which nobody would pay attention to, and they could sometimes be the exact solution. That was why I had been employed by many research institutes. I was called "the tenth" meaning if all nine members of a group had agreed on sth, I had to be the tenth who stands against the others and tries to find why they are wrong.
Such a thing is not so uncommon in philosophy, but it's not easy; not easy at all.
As I was saying, I escaped.
In the little time I had, I informed as many ones I knew as i could, took backups of important things I had, packed necessities and escaped.
'Escaped where' you may ask;
To the desert of course.
The desert has always been my special place and I was sure no one would disturb me there. I could stay there alive for a week or two, or maybe more, who knows. If the rumors were actually true, which I wished they weren't, a whole city would be gone by 48 hours at the most.
So the desert, where living beings were not too many, could be a safe place, especially because there is where the chances of finding another person, taking life, destroying the nature, was at minimum.
It was about dawn when I got there, feeling exhausted. I had driven over 700 miles.
I put up the tent and camouflaged the Rover. It was still dark so I lit a lantern and went into the tent, started to read one of the books I'd brought with me. After a while when sun had risen and the light had filled the sky, I put out the lantern and got into my sleeping bag and fell asleep as soon as I closed my eyes.

Author's note:
(Hope you're enjoying reading it, please write any suggestions any idea, I would be delighted to know what you think of it. I'll try to write the first parts as soon as I can to get you the main idea of the story, thanks for reading.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2018 ⏰

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