
13 1 0

Manipulate our minds 

so they can harass mankind 

"no child left behind" 

A complete lie 

More like no child moving forward 

our children moving toward 

the killing , the rape , and all the violence

But how could it be that we sit here in silence ! 

We watch all this happen 

Yet we have no reaction 

We are not ending our world 

Our world is ending us. 

We're all too obsessed with the power and the lust 

We hate one another 

and we lose eachother's trust 

No respect for our decisions 

disrespecting our religions 

and I ask myself: 

Could this be me? 

Why can't we all just see 

that it is US that has to become 

ONE to save eachother 

Why can't we all just love one another? 

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