This Doesn't Seem Right

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~ Written on 11/09/2017; The day after you were with Jesus ~

I would do anything to turn back the clock and talk to you again. I miss you so much. There's so much to say and with all that needs to be done, I should be going to you for advice, but obviously I can't do that with this situation. I'm at a loss for what needs to be done next. I'm not ready for this. I need you. I'm sorry I fought with you so hard over the stupidest things. I wish I could have made things right between us in time. You have to know that I love you, and I always have, even when I was hurt over things we should have just talked out. You're supposed to be there for me when I turn 21 next month. You're supposed to see my drivers license and witness me drive grandma's car. You're supposed to be there when I publish my book "Heaven In a Breath" within the next few years. You're supposed to walk me down the aisle someday. I won't get to sing "When I'm 64" to you for your birthday next year, like I always joked with you since I was little. This isn't how it's supposed to be. I'm just glad my brother will be here with me through this. I love you so much and I miss you more than you can imagine daddy. I'll always be your baby girl.
                                    Love always,
                                        The Bug

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