Chapter 11: Leaving Behind

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Chapter 11

Eyverlin Castle

“Miri, where’s the physician?” Saybin demanded, still clutching Anya’s clammy hands.

“I have no idea,” she whispered, her eyes frantic. “I’ve fetched for him. He should be coming..."

“Go look again!”

Miri hurried out, leaving Saybin alone with a shivering Anya. In the grips of her fever, she cried out, mumbling nonsense words. He couldn’t bear seeing her like this, but it seemed there was nothing he could do. How had this even happened? Upon following Miri, he had found Anya, who had suddenly become extremely sick. She had been fine this morning, yet now she seemed to be on the verge of death.

Miri was back, her face flushed from running. “Saybin—I mean, your high—“

“Where is he?” Saybin demanded.

“The palace physician was called away to Prince Caldin’s chambers,” she said hurriedly. “A fight broke out after the dinner, and all the physicians were sent to the other side of the castle to tend to Prince Sorin!”

Normally, Saybin would have scoffed and ignored the stupidity of his brothers, but he couldn’t do that now. Not when Anya was like this. “Where’s my mother?”

“She’s already gone to bed,” Miri answered, looking helpless.

Saybin didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t go to his brother’s room and ask for the physician to come back. But what other choice did he have? He couldn’t leave Anya like this. After a tense moment, he stood up.

“Wake my mother up,” Saybin ordered. “And tell her Anya’s like this. I’m going to go find the physician.”

“I couldn’t!” protested Miri. “I’m not to disturb her—“

“Her only daughter is dying,” he hissed. “If she doesn’t wake up because of this, then she isn’t human.” Miri nodded and fled. A moment later, Delia flew into the room, dressed in a white nightgown, her curly hair flying wildly around her. A look of panic filled her eyes as she saw Anya huddled in her bed.

“What’s happened?” she questioned, her voice oddly strangled.

“I don’t know. Miri found her like this.”

“Why haven’t you gotten the palace physician yet?”

“He’s tending to Prince Caldin,” Miri told her in a small voice. “And the other physicians were called away to Prince Kyren’s chambers. They had a fight after the dinner with—“

Delia stood up, a look of outrage he had never seen before on her face. “Miri, stay with Anya.”

“Mistress?” Miri asked tentatively.

There was no reply. Delia swept out of the room, and Saybin hurried after her, unsure of what she planned.

They ran down the halls, up a staircase, across a bridge, and then Saybin realized they were on their way to Caldin’s chambers. Saybin said nothing, not wanting to alert his mother to his presence. Instead he kept at his mother's back, frightened by what she was about to do. Delia had always been aloof, seemingly uncaring towards her only children. He had never seen her like this before.

They continued this way until they reached a long hallway filled with voices, and Delia slowed. Several figures he recognized came into view. Seth and Caldin were there, and surrounding them were several of his brothers. Consort Amara hovered over her children like an overgrown vulture. Surprisingly, King Cedrac was there, too, a look of intense disapproval and worry on his face. As they drew closer, Saybin saw that Caldin’s right leg was in bad shape. It looked like a fencing sword had pierced it.

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