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Allie P.O.V

I walked down the stairs and notice my sister, Liv, has on some celebrity talk show. Focusing on getting ready for school, only some of what the talk show host is saying drifts in my ear. When I go to grab the textbook I left by the tv last night, I notice, for the first time, that they're talking about the latest drama Scarlet Davidson has supposedly done. According to this, Scarlet has broken off her engagement with her super hot boyfriend Flynn McDaniels.

I really don't care what happens in their lives. It's none of my business what they do in the personal lives - they have just as strong a right to privacy as normal people.

Mom ushers us into the car and I slowly crunch on my granola bar on the way to school. I sigh, another mediocre day in another mediocre life.

For some reason, I can't stop thinking about Scarlet. Supposedly she does drugs and stuff, but she's not such a great actress and that is what's matters to me.

I love acting and have secretly wanted to be an actress since I was six, but it's not secure or stable so I have to deal with following mom's footsteps into law. Yay... I wish I had an opportunity like Scarlet or Ryder or any of the other big celebrities to act. Scarlet is actually really known for her singing though; and everyone agrees she's got an amazing set of pipes.

Mom pulls up to the school, pulling me out of my thoughts, and I get out and go on my merry way to school. School passes slowly, but nothing of importance really happens. I'm just going in and out, through the motions like a machine. I'm a robot.

I'm not a loner or a loser, I have a lot of school friends, but that's all they are, school friends. We don't hang out every weekend, just random birthday parties here and there. I'm good friends with these people, love them, but we're just school friends.

I get home and throw my backpack on the floor. I grab a pack of Oreos from the pantry and turn on Netflix. I pull the blanket lying on the couch over me and watch reruns of Monk.

I have homework to do, but right now is Monk time. I glance around at my life. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be someone important. To have an exciting, meaningful life.

Scarlett P.O.V.

Dear Diary,

So my therapist is making me do this. Eh Fucking Bitch. HATE HER! Ugh, anywayyyys. So Flynn dumped me. He said, and I quote "You're not the person I fell in love with. The person I fell in love with was kind, and sweet and not this psychotic bitch you've turned into." It hurts but I was just so ducking tired of all the expectations and the pressure. Now I'm doing things for me. I'm letting loose and nothing and no one can hold me back. I'm just getting started bitches. XOXO Scar

I shut the diary and look out the window. So court mandated therapy sucks. It was either this or community service with sick dying kids. I've had my fill of kids for the next decade so no thank you to that option. I don't even understand how what I did was that bad. So I went streaking in public at three in the morning. Luckily, there weren't even any paparrazi shots of it. The only reason I did it was because I was high...and/or drunk. Whatever. I don't even care. I'm through with all this fame and attention. Sometimes I wish I could be someone normal without all this attention. To have a boring meaningless existence that I could make something out of.

UNEDITED & Thanks for Reading!!! I sort of actually have a plan for this one ;)

This was just to introduce you to the girls and give you a before.  The story will start immediately into the switchero. I will say that right now this story is second priority to Oh Brothers but I will try to update and write as much as I can. Summer Vacation is starting soon so for me that means hella amount of updates. Cheerio!! :)

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