Chapter 3

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He goes back over to his cello and I wait rather awkwardly outside the room until he's finished and students begin to flow past me as they come out of classes.

Tommy comes out the room with a bag that looks like it functions properly and I look at its black sleekness in longing before quickly snapping back to reality.

" Well, let's go then. We should catch a bus, you got money? " Tommy looks at me as we start walking towards the nearest of the many exits.

" Um, yeah, I think so, " I stammer as I start to delicately rummage around my pocket of my rucksack, and three pound coins emerge. I hold them up with a sigh, I have enough for the bus but not nearly enough for the cinema, it's ridiculously overpriced.

" You know what? I can just pay for you, " he smiles at me with a simple arousing in his left cheek, and I smile back up at him taking everything I can in about his facial features. Every time I meet someone new I like to commit their face to memory as quick as I can, it makes talking easier and I feel as if I've known them for longer.

As we walk to the bus stop my stomach is going insane, one second I have flurries of butterflies and then tightness the next. Every once in a while I can't suppress a smile that I have a friend, a friend that could maybe even become something more.

We arrive at the small excuse for a shelter and go to sit down, realising that the seat has bird poo and dirt all over it however, we don't. I walk over to the crusted and dirty timetable and I have to peer very closely with my eyes squinted into slits to see the times.

" T-there's a bus due in f-five minutes, " I state and move my gaze over to him.

" Coolio, " he says and looks up at the sky, " I think it's about to rain, you don't have a jacket. "

" That's true, b-but did you j-just say coolio? " I look at his eyes with a bemused expression on my face and snigger quietly, but the decent kind of chuckle that one makes with their friends.

" Yup, " he laughs and it makes me bite my lip at his beauty, there's nothing more beautiful than a happy human.

We laugh together as a blue and white bus pulls up and the smudged green doors open for us by folding in on themselves to the side. I step in first and take a step over to the bus driver, a rather plump woman with her hair pulled back into an extremely messy bun and she's chewing gum very excessively.

" Where ya going? " she says with a strong sense of boredom in her voice and she rolls her Rs prominently, I can see the gum in her mouth too when she talks and I swallow in disgust.

" U-uh  just Gavinston Park p-please, " I say making myself seems very timid while sliding my money under the glass and she takes it and puts it in her smaller version of a till. I move over to the right so Tommy can pay and he calmly says, " Gavinston Park too, please, " and smiles politely at her while also sliding his money under the window.

We walk down the length of the bus that contains a crying baby with it's distressed father, two elderly women with far too much makeup on, a man with a cast on his left arm and now us. We sit down at the very back and Tommy sits in the window seat as the bus begins moving.

" I don't know about you, but her chewing gum was annoying the life outta me, " he says turning his vision away from the window and round to me.

" Oh my God, I know! " I sigh with exasperation and gladness that he understood me. We chuckle together as the bus prowls down the road, and just as Tommy predicted, it starts to rain.

Within seconds it's absolutely pouring it down and I can hear the loud patter of thick raindrops as they hit the thin roof and batter against the windows.

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