The Saviors

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June 7th, 2178

The war is finally over. I only took about 6 years but its finally over. Unfortunately the old America was destroyed in the process. They say that all of us will be reassigned to jobs, that we will be good at, so that we can keep the peace. Honestly I don't know how the governments held up in the chaos of the war, let alone join together to find peace. But my undying question is will it last?


October 9th, 2178

I got reassigned to a new job. I gong to be a 'healer'. What I'm actually doing is advising the medical scientist, since before the war I was nutritionist who almost got a degree in human growth and development. I think that the job will work out well. I haven't seen the facility that I'm going to work in yet but I'm excited. I feel fortunate, most people don't have as good of a job as I have. So I really hope that I don't mess this up.


October 11th, 2178

I got to see where I will be working today. It turns out that it is a state of the art lab facility, where I will be working with team of scientists to cure diseases. At least that what the government official said. He also said that we will be working this job for at least 5 years, and that the goal is find a way to have someone live forever. But he laughed it off as a joke when we all gave him look as if he was crazy. I think I will like it here. I even saw a cute scientist that I'm supposed to be working with.


November 11th, 2178

It getting cold, here now. I've been working for a month now, and I think that the cute scientist I saw likes me. His name is Edward. I've been working with Edward and his partner Micheal to try and cure the common cold safely and effectively. Micheal seems so headstrong, he always seems to be angry. I just hope that we can find this cure soon that I can stop trying the risks with him.


November 27th, 2178

We made a breakthrough in the cure today. And Edward asked me to dinner. Over dinner we discussed mostly the cure. But then he told me that he been working on a cure to something much bigger in secret. He said that he would show me the next time that we went to dinner. I asked him what he was trying to cure. Casually he said 'cancer'. I couldn't help but scoff. 'Edward you no its more complicated than finding the right chemicals to attack the cells with. They are still part of the person's body.' 'I know but I've found a way around it' I found it interesting how he could just talk about someting so serious, so casually.


July 2nd, 2179

Edward proposed, and he's perfected his cure to ovarian and prostate cancer. He told the officials and they're letting him conduct trials as I write. I don't know if it will work but I truly hope that it does.


July 9th, 2179

The trials are going well but subjects (especially women) say they're having side effects of abdominal pain and uncontrollable coughing fits. Fortunately most of the cancer cells are shrinking. I think that its working.


July 11th, 2179

The 'miracle cure is a flop' is plastered in the headlines. Edwards cancer curing drug works, but it leaves the subjects infertile. And for some reason, it took on a pathogen like ability and is infecting people like wildfire. The government is testing and quarantining people trying to contain the virus. We were visited by an official last night and told that if Edward doesn't find a solution soon he will be taken to the Railways. I don't want Edward to leave so I've been thinking about a solution, although it is not the greatest solution, I think that the government will approve.


July 12th, 2179

My plan was approved thankfully Edward won't be taken from me, but I fear for the lives of 100 children. My plan I thought was crazy but it worked. Right now, any healthy still fertile people will donate their DNA, and then my team of scientist will create a series of 100 saviors, babies immune to the virus, that will lead us into a new age, since the world seems to be in a state of chaos. The second is to cure everyone so that they will stop spreading the disease. After that we will hope for the best.


January 1st, 2180

Its new years, but I can't stop writing. I'm worried about the babies, there genetic pool is pretty diverse and they're immune to the disease but the government wants more out of them. I'm not sure what yet but I'm sure it can't be good.


March 15th, 2180

I have to go, I know too much and I can't stop it or they will kill me. Edward has already been arrested for telling me but I wanted to know so its my fault. Micheal was altering the brains of the so that they when they would turn 16 they would be able to be used as a weapons by the government. Only himself and Edward knew. But Edward disagreed, and secretly he gave the first baby the ability to seek truth, unlike like the others who had more 'useful' abilities. He said that he hopes that he will be able to see the truth before its to late. Also he saw the charts on the development team's desk, and saw that the babies were to be given jobs based on there rank, he made sure that to write and make sure that they would not know there rank until they were older (16) . He tried to switch the ranks of baby 1 and 100 so that they would be safe, but Micheal saw him and reported it so now hes in jail, and I have to run before they come for me, since they think that I know something about it. I just hope this journal will someday will help 1 in his quest of truth seeking.

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