Chapter 2

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Ricky's P.O.V
I don't know what came over me. I wasn't supposed to tell anyone else about my life story, i mean Casey and Phoebe are enough. I don't know how Pheebs has kept it secret for this long.

I hate dwelling on the past but for some stupid reason it helped telling Heath.

I can see it in his eyes that he is so disappointed in Brax and i can tell that Brax is gonna see a few bruises coming his way if they cross paths.

The thing is, Even though he is clueless about the fact I know his secret, I have forgiven Brax for cheating on me with Charlie. I mean I wasn't exactly being the perfect wife and all but I still don't think I could get passed it.

The confused look on my brother in laws face tells me I have a lot of questions to answer coming my way.
SHIT, I almost forgot that I also blurted out about my pregnancy.

After I stopped crying, Heath pulled me back a bit and wiped my tears dry. He looked at me with sympathy and took a deep breath contemplating whether it was the right time to ask questions. To put him at ease I said " Heath it's okay, I'm not gonna break, I know you have questions, so ask them and don't hold back cause I have already told you this much." He looked at me and nodded.

He began " Im so sorry Brax did that to you Rick, my fist have a few things to say to his face if I see him again. "Heath it's okay I have forgiven him but I just thought he'd have a little more respect for me than that. Anyway ask your questions before I change my mind mate." He started " okay umm what happened with the baby, I mean you said you were 5 months gone when you saw the quack"
Always straight to the chase with Heath thats for sure.

Here goes nothing, so I replied " Heath I umm... I gave birth to a baby boy in Melbourne, Casey knows he has a little brother thats why he visited more than he had to so he could help me out. I couldn't really hide a baby from Pheebs cause she became my best friend and moved in with me. I know I should have told Brax about our new son hell I should have told the whole family but I was still so angry at Brax and I was just so focused on trying to be the best mum for my baby."
At this Heath had a big grin on his face and said " So what your saying is I have another nephew." I nodded with a cheeky grin and he continued " That is so amazing, wait, how is he? Where is he? Whats his name? Bet he has my good looks." I cut him off before he could ask more questions "Shut up, one question at a time aye. His name is Mason Andrew Braxton, he is now 9 months old and no he has my good looks. At the minute Mason is with my good friend in The city just until I completely set up the house. You will get to meet your nephew in a few days mate."

Heath just sat there stunned by all this. With his arm around my shoulders in a protective manner, we sat on the couch and talked for hours mainly about Mason among other things.

After our huge D and M, I was reassured by Heath that he wouldn't tell anyone about my life until I'm ready. We decided that we are going to try and reduce Brax's sentence  together for Casey's sake. Even though Casey isn't happy about what Brax did to me, and how he cut them all out of his life,  Casey still loves and needs his dad.

I didn't didn't even realise how late it was until I got a message from Casey asking if i wanted to walk home from work with him. Heath and I managed to waste the whole day talking not to mention we forgot about the meeting at the prison.

After gathering my things and saying goodbye to Heath, I headed to the gym.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2018 ⏰

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