Chapter Fourteen: Full Circle

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I woke up in the morning needing confirmation that what happened last night was indeed real so I checked my text messages. Yup, I had definitely been with Peter.

Peter was definitely Spider-Man, Spider-Monkey and Roof-Crawler. 

I wasn't dreaming. I was suddenly wide, wide awake.

Needless to declare I found most of my classes more entertaining than they were before, specifically Biology. Peter and I spent half the time passing notes or whispering under our breath. It really is convenient he's my lab partner since I hadn't heard a word of the lectures and that subject seems to come extremely easy-handed to him.

We spent a lot of time going over some of my questions, it was only then that I could return my attention to the class but not for too long. With a pen in my mouth, I read the paragraph over and over again in my textbook feeling his constant breathing against my shoulder. I gave him a glare so he sat back in his seat, chuckling quietly and acting all innocent.

The teacher suddenly interrupted her presentation, staring sternly from me to Peter. "Elizabeth, Peter, since you seem to have so much interest in our class today, is there something you would like to share with us, something that we might have missed?"

A few people turned their heads in our direction and sent us curious stares.

"No, I'm sorry Mrs. Ericsen..." Peter scratched his forehead nervously. The teacher sighed, eventually moving on.

We were quiet for a few minutes until Peter looked at me intently again. "So do you wanna have lunch somewhere, after class?" He pointed to my open notebook, where I'd written a few tasks for the day in the corner of the page.

"Yes." I whispered excitedly, sitting straighter in my place and trying my best to maintain my focus on the rest of the presentation. It was pointless.

After the bell rang, I texted Veronica to vaguely let her know we wouldn't be joining them in the cafeteria, and Peter and I joined forces to walk through the crowded hall.

I drove us to the only Chinese restaurant in Riverdale because honestly there weren't many options in town to have an elegant lunch. We had made the journey in silence but it wasn't awkward, which was one of the things I was quickly beginning to learn about us. We were able to simply enjoy each other's company without having to fill the silence with meaningless chatter.

We entered the building and while we waited to be seated I looked around curiously. The place was surprisingly busy, not crowded but there were more people than I expected to see on a Thursday morning.

Most of them were middle-aged or older but I saw a few people from school there too. It also didn't escape my notice that they were eyeing us with interest while the hostess seated us but I ignored them. We were led to a booth and we sat down from one another while we were handed menus.

I thanked the hostess before we shrugged off our jackets and I finally got a look at what Peter was wearing underneath. He had on a black sweater that hugged his frame perfectly. In order to stop looking at him like an idiot, I grabbed my menu and breezed through their lunch menu.

A boy who looked like he was about the same age as we walked up to greet us, a pad of paper in his hand. "Hello, my name is Andrew and I will be your server this lovely morning. Can I get you two something to drink first?"

"Can I get a coke, please?" Peter asked.

Andrew nodded, writing it down. "Sure thing and what about you, beautiful?" He asked me and I blushed at his words. I saw Peter scowl and throw a death glare at the guy while simultaneously reaching across the table and taking my hand. Yup because that wasn't obvious at all! Though I was ashamed to admit I secretly liked that Peter was a bit jealous.

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