Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter 29 is ready to be published.... but I will only publish right away it if this chapter gets 10 votes. Otherwise I will post it in 4-5 days. I can see that every chapter gets at least 20+ reads within three hours of publishing and I'm only getting 4-5 votes each chapter! When you guys vote it inspires me to write more! So please vote it only takes second. Please show some appreciation!

Anyway enjoy the chapter I really enjoyed writing it, and a special thanks to the people who do take the second to vote.


"I fucking told you I was a magnet for this shit" I said to Zak.

He just stared at the box. "What exactly did it say before I came into the room and found you?"

"Something about you being theirs" I didn't like this one bit.

He was starting to look a little distraught. "None of this type of activity had ever happened here before, not like this"

"What's going on here then?" I asked.

He looked at me with a face and said. "I wish I could tell you, but I don't know. It's as if you angered all the spirits in the museum"

"How? I haven't done anything except be with you"

He stopped talking and thought for a second, and then he looked up at me.

"Maybe that's the reason. I own everything in here, and maybe they're getting mad and attacking you because they're possessive over me. They want me and you're getting in the way of that"

"What's so special about you then?"

He looked at me with a "Really Charlie? I'm an amazing person why wouldn't they want me" type of look.

"It's a bit of a long-shot, but it works" I said. "How can we stop it?"

"I have no idea; maybe we get another cleansing of the place? Although, I don't think it would help too much since this place is cleansed all the time"

"So we have nothing?" I asked.

He nodded and looked at me with a sorrowful look.

Due to our silence, he started looking at his phone. As I thought of possible ways to stop the spirits from attacking me, I noticed a black fog roll under the wheelie chair he was sitting in and slowly absorb itself into the underneath of his chair. At first I thought I was just tired and I was seeing things, but then he noticeably shifted. His demeanour changed right after that, the feeling of the room changed from comfortable, to a very, very bad and angry feeling.

"Maybe we should leave, find somewhere else to stay for the night?"

He looked at me with a dumb face. "It's two in the morning; we aren't going anywhere, not even in the city that never sleeps"

"Are you sure? I mean I'm sure we could go somewh-"

"We are staying here" he snapped. He looked me in the eyes, and that was when I knew something was wrong, he had a different look in him, a bad look. "We are staying here" he said again, but much quieter this time.

There is a point in a relationship, when you know someone isn't being themselves, and they are very different from the person you know. I couldn't tell you how I knew, maybe it was the way he sat, or the way his breathing became more aggressive with every breath, or the fact he kept looking at me as if I was some gazelle and he was the hungry lion waiting to pounce. Whatever it was, I knew that something very bad was about to happen. So I started to slowly back away from him, making sure I was watching him, just in case he figured out I was trying to leave. I started reaching for the door handle when he figured out what I was doing.

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