Chapter 4

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A/N: Hi guys!! So in chapters 4,5 and maybe also in 6. The ideas were not purely mine 😊😊.. Well as you can see, there's this one fanfic I read regarding KnB about male pregnancy and it was really good but the sad thing is the author didn't finish the story. So that's when an idea popped up into my mind to write my own story of KnB male pregnancy. 😊😊

So credits to the author of that fanfic (which I forgot the name, gomen 😭)

By the way, enjoy reading minna 😊😊
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Silence reigned inside Kuroko's room. No one seems to find their voice to speak out the words in their minds.

Few more minutes passed, Kuroko couldn't handle the silence and decided to open up. "Ano.. Ah Seikun h-" Kuroko was cut off by Akashi in finishing his sentence.

"I'll just go out to buy you some food, Tetsuya. I'll be right back."  With that, Akashi left Kuroko alone. He didn't even wait for Kuroko's answer and hurriedly went out of the room.

Kuroko sighed deeply. Several thoughts came running into his mind. He gently wrapped his arms around his abdomen as he recalled what Midorima told them earlier.


"Kuroko, you're two weeks pregnant." The two gentlemen was dumbfounded on what they heard.

"What? How? Tetsuya is a male, ho-" Akashi was cut off by Midorima.

"Yes, Kuroko is a male but internally it turned out that he has female reproductive organs."

"What do you mean, Shintaro?" Akashi confusingly asked, still trying to absorb what the green-head doctor said awhile ago.

"Well, Kuroko here is one of the very few people who is a predominantly male hermaphrodite nanodayo." Judging by the looks of the two, Midorima continued with his sentence since bewilderedness is evedient on the two gentlemen's faces. "Predominantly male hermaphrodite, like Kuroko, means outwardly his appearance is of a male but internally he appears to have female reproductive organs and can conceive a child in some cases, just like what happened to Kuroko."
The two gentlemen remained silent. Akashi stared blankly at his former teammate while Kuroko on the other hand bowed down his head, his bangs covering his face.

"I know everything happened instantaneously and you two still needs time to process everything nanodayo. But, I will be honest with the two of you. Male pregnancy is more complicated than those of the female ones because the male body is not equipped to carry a child, so it may be too strenuous and the body of the pregnant male may try to resist the life growing inside of it. Besides we all know that Kuroko has a weak body nanodayo. So, I won't stay long anymore nanodayo. Please, I want the two of you to talk carefully about this matter. It's either, I'll tell you frankly, it's either you give up the child or countinue your pregnancy even if it endangers Kuroko's life nanodayo." The doctor explained.

~~Back to Reality~~

Kuroko caressed his abdomen as many questions began hunting him.

"Will Sei-kun accept the baby?

"Will he reject it?"

"What if Sei-kun doesn't want to build a family with me?"

"What if he wants to abort the baby?"

Kuroko's thoughts was cut off when he heard the door opened. He layed down quickly and pretended to be asleep.

Akashi's POV

As I entered Tetsuya's room, I found him sleeping peacefully on the bed. I sighed before approaching him.

I run my fingers into his hair and caressed his cheek before leaning down to give him him a gentle kiss on thw forehead. "Good night, my beloved empress."

I slowly moved my hand and placed it on Tetsuya's stomach. "Good night, little miracle." I whispered and leaned also to give Tetsuya's stomach a kiss.

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A/N: Another short chapter everyone. I'm so sorry. I'm just a little busy about some work. Promise, I'll try to update a longer chapter next time. 😊😊

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