Fang Two: Hanabusa Aidou

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Zero tried to keep a straight posture as he was wracked with nerves and nearly ill with his inability to ingest any nutrients. His body betray none of his inner turmoil as he strode into the headmaster's office. In a way, it felt like he was about to go to war with the night class... One against how ever many blood suckers there were present at Cross Academy. More confidently than he felt, he ran his hand through his hair and waited for Kaien to start. 

"We are gathered here today-"

"Old man, be serious! We are not here for a wedding... We are here about a very serious issue!" Zero chided Kaien who look slightly chastised.

"Basically, we are here to inform you, in case you were unaware, that there is some unkind treatment occurring in the night class. Lets say that it's hypothetically bullying... What would you do about it?" Kaien looked uncomfortable trying to covertly mention what was going on in the night class. Kaname blinked in confusion, his face not betraying any of his inner emotions.

"Well I would ask you to explain what is going on first, and then I would give you my response." Kaname folded his arms waiting for an answer. Toya's manager shifted nervously on her feet, and Zero remembered that he also requested for her presence.

"One of the night class students is suffering from overwork and exhaustion. Her model work was increased exponentially- not by choice- and on top of that, she suffered the ridicule of her classmates." Kaname looked sharply at Kaien and then Zero.

"The Student in question would not happen to be Toya Rima, would it?" He questioned this at Zero who nodded solemnly. For once the two were not arguing.

"Yeah, and yesterday she finally collapsed under the pressure of what had been going on," Zero refrained from saying that she was crying. "When I found her yesterday, she had not eaten enough for weeks, lost weight, and her body just gave out." Zero bit his lip, wondering if it was okay to do this or if Rima would kill him when she woke up.

"Where is she now? Is she okay?" The manager finally interjected and reminded them of her presence.

"She is sleeping in my room at the Sun dorms. I gave her food and let her use my bed. I will let her sleep it off for now, but I would ask that her work load be cut down to a reasonable load. It is unfair to ask a student to manage over 10 hours of modeling a day, still attend classes and complete their workload. This is on top of caring for one's health. As the prefect of the school and a someone who cares about the students who attend this institution I ask that you consider doing at least this much. I think with that, the taunting will stop or at least lessen to a level where she can respond." Zero shifted and waited for Kaname to respond. Kaname looked thoughtfully at Kaien and the at the manager before looking at Zero again.

"I believe that, that can be arranged. Toya's workload will be what it was initially-"

"This will include at least a week's leave of absence for her recovery, correct?" Zero interrupted him, making sure that he would get what he wanted.

"I am amenable to that yes." Kaname nodded in his usual demeanor. Zero turned to acknowledge to manager once again. 

"Do you have any objections?" The manager wisely shook her head, indicating that she did not object.




Zero sighed and leaned back in his chair. He had a lot of homework to do with not enough time, and like he had pointed out to the day class, there was a calculus test tomorrow. Zero tiredly blinked as he tried to focus on the rules of integration, optimization, and related rates. At this point it all looked jumbled, and number floated around the page as if taunting him.

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