07: Up the Rabbit Hole

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Chapter 7: Up the Rabbit Hole

‘Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, “and what is the use of a book,” thought Alice, “without pictures or conversation?”’ – Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland


Holly floated higher and higher, meeting a gust of cold wind. Her heart was thumping fast, her eyes still teary from her confrontation with Emi. She shut them tight, shaking her head, trying to shake away the tears and the tumult of feelings. She couldn’t wipe them with her hands; one was holding Tamaki’s head, and the other was pulling Tamaki’s hand, lifting the childlike body with her.

It makes no sense. Lies… all lies! I’ll never know who I am, or where I came from!

But at least… I now have my freedom. Can all the love and sweet words in the world compensate for freedom?

The wind howled in her ears, chilling her every bit of exposed skin. Holly opened her eyes. Luckily, the night was lit by a gibbous moon. Living underground, she couldn’t imagine how dark it would be without its light. Her mouth fell open upon realizing it was her first time seeing the moon with her own eyes.

She was flying through a canopy of trees, and got her first real, waking view of the outside world. Shadowy trees filled her field of vision, bordered by dark mountains and ridges. It took her breath away. Is there even any fellow human for miles around?

“Tamaki, you went with… with that lying hag to human settlements before, right?” Holly asked, hands still gripping.


“Well, lead me to it, then!”

“You’re heavy.”

“Wha-? Oh, shut it!” Holly stopped herself short of giving the head a slap with her other hand. She was content with shaking the body vigorously instead.

“Hey,” Tamaki frowned. “I feel that.”

“You don’t expect us to walk, do you?” Holly asked. The expansive forest and the dark night made her feel helpless and lost. The stars twinkled, and clouds passed far overhead like wisps of smoke.

“I didn’t expect us to leave,” Tamaki deadpanned with narrowed eyes.

“Well, you and your smart mouth.”

Tamaki drawled, “I’m currently eighty percent brains, thank you very much.”

Holly allowed herself an annoyed grin. “Oh, you.”

That was when something huge burst out from the covers of trees, large enough to disturb the night air. It shrieked, spreading its wings.

“The heck was that…” Holly whimpered at the sight. Blacker than the night itself, it looked like a humongous headless bat with wings that could wrap a car like a maki roll.

“Whatever happens, Holly, don’t let go!” Tamaki warned.

Tamaki we need to get down!

“Told you so.”

“NOT BACK TO EMI’S!” Holly protested, her voice a mix of exasperation and fear.

“Groan…” said Tamaki’s annoyed head.

With a burst of speed, the flying abomination closed in the distance between them. Holly paled. She was in a most awkward position. If she let go, she’d fall to a squishy death. If she did nothing, that thing would probably eat her. And Tamaki was not exactly a supersonic plane either; Holly felt like a child stuck to holding a balloon, Whiny the Boo style.

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