2: In which two lives are saved

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        There was an odd silence. I will take the duration of the silence to explain why they were losing oxygen. When the Soulship had crashed, one of the pipes running through the cargo  bay had split in two, leaking smog from the engine room into the air.

     Lilac shot Ebion a look - no - a glance. It was a "what-should-we-do-if-we-get-caught-we-die" glance. The answer was simple- he got  up and opened the door.

     The sailor standing there was... not what they expected. A veil covered her face, but through the dark purple fabric Lilac could see three narrow eyes. her uniform had a collar which covered most of her neck, and a tag on her shirt read: NURSE MAKATA YUME. 

       "Thank goodness," she said, "Ten more minutes and you'd be dead. Let's see... Passengers 319 and 619, right?" Lilac had to will her jaw not to drop. Those had been their last prison numbers. Inmates 3 and 6 in cell 19. "No need to be afraid. I signed you guys up as official passengers as soon as I found out about you." Makata whispered. Lilac nodded. "Yeah, that's us. we thought no-one else survived." The statement was not for Makata, but for the camera behind her. She had no idea if it was active, but better safe than sorry.

     "I'll lead you to the medbay. follow me." Ebion was too shocked to say anything , but Lilac said it for him. "Thank you." and with that, two freeloaders and an imperial nurse marched down a hallway in a crashed starship floating somewhere in the dark of space.

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