It's Me or No One- Chapter 2

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It's Me or No One

Chapter 2

            Jilli's eyes slowly fluttered open and she looked around, confused at first about where she was.

            “It's about time you woke up, sleepyhead.”

            Jilli looked around, it was Neville.

            “What time is it?” she asked groggy.

            “Well, classes are over and dinner is about to start.” Neville looked at Jillianne sheepishly and then looked down, “Jilli, I want to thank you for what you did. You didn't have to help me out, and now Malfoy is really going to be ticked with you.”

            “I can handle Malfoy,” Jilli told him bravely, wondering how she really was going to deal with Slytherins prince.

            “Well, I'm glad you’re feeling better. I came to help you to dinner or your common room, which ever you prefer.”

            “I am truly starving. Dinner sounds good.”

            “You know,” Neville said as he helped her up, “Harry's been up here to check on you twice.”

            “Potter came here to see me,” she replied shocked.

            “Don't act so surprised, Jilli,” he laughed, “I've seen the way Harry watches you when he thinks no one is looking.”

            “Oh well,” Jilli sighed, “it doesn't matter. I'm Slytherin and he's Gryffindor, and not just any Gryffindor, but the boy who lived. He's not going to waste his time on a pureblood Slytherin.”

            “I wouldn't be so sure.”

            Neville helped her up, took her good arm and they made their way out of the hospital wing. They were turning the corner when Neville ran into someone. It was Harry.

            “Sorry Harry.”

            “It's okay Neville. I just came to check on Jilli. Oh, there you are,” Harry said, a smile lighting his face. Jilli couldn't help blushing.

            “Do you mind if I escort Jilli to dinner Neville?”

            “Of course not,” Neville turned to Jilli, “I'll see you in the dining hall,” and he gave her a hug and whispered in her ear away from Harry, “see, I told you.”

            “Thanks Jilli,” Neville said a loud as he walked away.

            Harry took her good arm that Neville had just released. “Are you feeling better?”

            “Much better, thanks”

            Harry walked a little slowly. He didn't want to rush her since she was still groggy from the potion.

            “You know Jilli, there's something I've been wondering about. Have you ever thought that maybe you were sorted into the wrong house? I mean, Slytherin. I think you could have been a Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, even Gryffindor. You do have all the qualities of each.”

            Jilli couldn't believe Harry was voicing the same things she had often wondered about.

            “I guess the sorting hat must know what it's doing,” she said, “a couple of foolish acts, such as helping Neville, doesn't automatically make one a brave Gryffindor. Neither does it seem smart, so it couldn't be Ravenclaw, as for Hufflepuff, maybe.”

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