Chapter Twenty-six

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The strange women Nancy was following, moved swiftly through the dimly lighted halls. Unfortunately, it was very difficult for Nancy to keep up this quick pace in the dark, a few times resulting in the teen running into furniture she was unable to see in the dark. As she trailed behind, all Nancy kept seeing was glances of the stranger, as they wondered down the halls. As she walked down the hall leading up towards the third-floor stairs, the lights flickered on and shone dimly, which caused eerie shadows to cast upon the walls. "As if this it wasn't creepy enough. These darn shadows appear to be escaping from another realm only to invade this plane of reality." Nancy mumbled as she passed by.

Suddenly, Nancy spun around to look behind herself, when she heard a door close somewhere in that direction. She wondered if someone was hiding in the shadows just waiting for their chance to do something vile. With Nancy's long history of crime solving, she had experienced more than her fair share of ill will from all kinds of people. With her nerves already on edge, Nancy nearly took off down the hall from fright when she heard the creak of floorboards, seemingly from somewhere nearby. The teen wondered, where was the noise was coming from with was no one anywhere in sight. The sounds became louder as Nancy continued to creep down the long hall. It now seemed to be coming from right beside her. "What is going on here?" she questioned.

To Nancy's surprise, a raven just outside the large window suddenly took to the sky crying out loudly into the dark of night. Nancy jumped slightly at the noise before stepping forward to get a better view of the outside. The large red-eyed bird sat on a tree branch just a few yards away staring menacingly at back at her.

"That is strange," Nancy commented just before the large bird took off from the tree and headed straight for her! "Oh no! It is going to break the glass!" Nancy exclaimed as she drove to the floor. Moments later when nothing happened, she glanced outside once again to find no bird in sight. The girl felt so relieved, she let out a sigh.

"What a demonic creature!" A voice said from behind her. Nancy turned to see who it was only to discover, Ned.

"Nancy, all you alright?" he asked, looking half asleep, standing there in his sweat pants and a plain white tee.

After doing a double take, Nancy responded by saying, "I guess so, Ned. But why are you here?"

"I got lost on my way back from the restroom. Then I ended up just wondering around trying to find my way back to my room." Ned said as he tried to fight off a powerful yawn.

"Oh, then why....?" She tried to say but was interrupted by someone giggling. The couple turned their head to see the young women Nancy had been trailing, standing only a few feet from them. The women had sickly pale skin, long frizzy red locks, and wore a tattered white ball gown that almost seemed to glow the moonlight. Her face was half in shadow. It reminded Nancy of a blurred photograph with no features identifiable.

Bonus Files:

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