In The Beginning

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3rd POV

Once upon a time, in a far place called Doncaster, there were two boys named Niall and Louis. Niall was a rich boy from the biggest part of the town while Louis is in the smaller part. Right now the two boys were listening to Louis' mum, Jay, reading their favorite fairtale, The Frog Prince while making Niall a new outfit. "Evening star is shining bright. So make a wish and hold on tight. There's magic in the air tonight and anything can happen. Just at that moment, the ugly little frog looked up with his sad, round eyes and pleaded: 'Oh, please, dear princess, only a kiss from you can break this terrible spell, that was inflicted on me by a wicked witch'." Jay said in her froggy prince voice.

"There comes my favorite part." Niall whispered to Louis.

"And the beautiful princess was so moved by his desperate plea, that she stooped down, picked up the slippery creature, leaned forward, raised him to her lips, and kissed that little frog." Niall cheered and Louis just made a disgusted look.

"Then the frog was transformed into a handsome prince. They were married and lived happily ever after. The end."

"Yay! Read it again, read it again!" Niall begged Jay. The Frog Prince was just his absolute favorite book of all time at this age. That's only 8.

"Sorry Niall, it's time for us to be headin' home. Say good night, Louis." Jay encouraged her son.

"There is no way, in this whole wide world ... I would ever, ever, ever I mean never kiss a frog. Yuck! You know what I mean. Imagine me kissing a FROG!!!! Gross!"

"Is that so? Here comes your prince charming, Lou." Niall threw his cat at Louis trying to make him kiss it. "Come on, kiss it! It's not that bad."


"Yes, Yes!" The two fought over if Louis should kiss the cat.

"Stop it! I won't, I won't, I won't!" Louis snapped.

"I would do it. I would kiss a frog. I would kiss a hundred frogs if I could marry a prince and be a prince too." The cat went flying to the ceiling terrified.

"You boys, stop tormenting that poor little kitty." Jay pulled it off the ceiling. "Poor little thing."

"Evening Jay!" Niall's step dad, Simon, walked in.

"Daddy, Daddy, look at my new outfit." Niall announced while jumping on his dad. "Isn't it pretty?"

"Hah, hah, look at you. Why I'd expect nothing less from the finest seamstress in Doncaster." Simon said looking at Jay and smiling.

"Ooh, I want that there." Niall pointed at the suit the prince was wearing in the book.

"Oh, no sugar come on." Simon scolded Niall.

"I want that one. Please, please, please, please!" Niall begged his father over and over again to get the suit he wanted.

"Jay, you suppose you can web something up like that?" Simon asks Jay.

"Anything for my best customer." Jay refers to the suit collection behind her.

"Yeah!" Niall cheered.

"Come along, Louis. Your Dad should be home from work by now." Louis' face brightens up because his father works all day and hardly gets any money, so Louis always tries to make him feel better by putting on shows. It's his favorite thing to make someone smile.

"Aah, now prince, you gettin' that drift but that's it. No more Mr. Pushover. Now, who wants a puppy?!" Simon said pulling out a dog behind his back surprising Niall.

"I do! I do! He's so cute!" Niall announces hugging the dog. While Louis looks at his friend, wishing his life could be this simple. But it's not. Now he and his mum are on a train to their neighborhood which is not as big as Niall's. When they got home Louis' father wasn't home. So on most nights before his dad comes home Louis wants to give his dad a little performance. Louis was all in a new costume almost every night. He was just finishing practicing his lines, from the story The Frog Prince he just wanted to show the world what he's made of.

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