PART 4: The Habits of the Rich

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(Hi to all my dearest and lovely readers! Thanks  so much for checking out my very inspiring and wonderful book ever!!! Please tell me about it if this is useful to all of you guys? Here's an update again and hope you enjoy it!!!

As I always say, "It's not how much money you earn that makes you rich, or maybe I  would say this way "it's not your salary that makes you rich it's Your SPENDING HABIT and how you control your money!!

We should always remember the rules of "PAYING yourself First before spending." Like I always do, as the moment I received my salary or any earned money I always keep a special amount first hide it and never spend it before I pay my bills, sending money, treating myself or buying stuff. But if this is not possible for you, maybe you like this rules..
In every 500 you earn, tip or hide 50 in you, or maybe 100 it's depends on your budget. The lessons in this is, make it a daily habit. The longer on doing this the more you become persuasive on doing it.
"Do not save what is left after spending but spend what is left after sayings,"

On this chapter I'll be talking about some easy tips on HOW THE RICH spend their Money and their ATTITUDE toward Life.

1) THEY CHOOSE VALUE NOT THE PRICE. Rich people doesn't mind how much is that thing instead, it's matter how long to used, they focus on quality or brand.
If poor people when to shop, they usually when to Sales section or the lowest price. They focus on the prices.

2) LIVING With THEIR MEANS. This means rich people never over spending. Always prioritize the long term not the short term. You need to save 20%-30% of your income and live on the remaining percent for you to avoid being poor. Rich people also knows where their money going. A habit of saving and budgeting is really an important.

3) RICH PEOPLE Don't GAMBLE. If you believe that you will be Rich in playing cards, engaging casinos of play a Lottery, you are poor and have a Poor mindset. Wealthy people do not rely on random "good lucks"they create their own luck by investing their money and invest it with their self.

4) READS A LOTS. Reading a knowledgeable resources are one of most wealthy people do. Reading information, ideas and educational career related material to increase knowledge for them to make more valuable client or in business.

5)ThEY VALUE THEIR TIME. Two-third of wealthy people doesn't spend their day in watching tv. And 63% spend less an hour a day on a internet unless it's job-related matters. Instead, these successful people spend their free time in investing in their self like learning more, personal development, helping the needy person, working sidelines, networking or volunteering.

6) CONTROLS EMOTIONS.Fears is the most destructive emotions that's stopping you for being rich. Wealthy people have condition their minds to overcome this thoughts. They always think positive and they never let fear interfere in their promotion or success. While those who struggle financially give in fear and allow it to hold them back.

Unsuccessful people always say "No" they're complaining about their jobs, their boss especially when they assigned them into a higher level of job. They have this "it's not on my job description" syndrome. Successful people love to be challenge and open to every opportunity that comes, they value theirs job buy leaning to achieve their mutual goals of their boss.

8) Don't Be a "I WISH" person. SET your GOALS. You can never control the outcome of your wish but you can control the outcome of your GOALS. Every year, 70% of the wealthy people pursue at least one major goal and 30% of those struggling person who can make it.

Rich Person understand that delaying is impair quality; creates dissatisfied boss client or customers and even damages a non business relationship.
Here's some practical ways to overcome Procrastination:
<Create a daily Plan or make a to-do list before you start your day.
<focus on important goals.
<delegate the easy job while you focus on crucial things.
<Make your "Do it Now"affirmation until you begin the task or project.

10)LEARN TO LISTEN MORE and Less talk. Wealthy people are good communicator because they are good listeners.They understand that you can educate yourself only by listening on what other say "There a reason why you have two ears to listen more meanwhile, you have only one mouth so speak less,"

11) Avoid TOXIC People.
Wealthy people associated themselves into the circle of rich people and never engage to people who do gossiping. We are only as successful as the people we've spend the most time of with. If you want to end up your financial struggle you need to evaluate each your companion. Someone who can help you up or the one who's holding you back.

12) NO TO SELF-Limiting BELIEFS. Almost 4 out of 5 wealthy people attribute their success in life to their beliefs. Change your negative belief into positive affirmation to build your self confidence and alter your behavior towards yourself.

13) Get a Mentor. In every successful in this world, they always have a great mentor who guide, lead and give them a better strategy in success. Finding a such a teacher is one of the best and at least painful way to become rich.

Bonus One; DONT GIVE UP. Those who are successful in life have 3 things in common!
Focus, persistence and patience.! It's simply do not quit chasing big goals. "KEEP BELIEVERS"

Hi Guys!!! Thanks for reading, I hope you learned something that makes you become successful in the future... See you the next chapter ✅😘❤️

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