Cry Me a River *River Phoenix*

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    One Sentence. One simple sentence started the next 11 years of my life. What is that simple sentence? Well it is as simple as 'Do you want to go to the movies?'

   The year was 1986. My friend, Alaina asked me to go to the movies. Obviously I said yes seeing that it was a rainy Saturday and I had nothing better to do.

Now, let me introduce myself. I'm Abby Marshal. I am a twelve year old girl living in Oregon. I had long brown hair and green eyes. My height was 5'1. I was shirt for my age. Alaina was also twelve. She was a lot prettier than me. She was a blond with blue eyes. Her height was 5'8. She was very tall compared. to me.

    "What movie are we seeing?" I asked grabbing my jacket and smiling.

   "It's called Stand By Me. This is the first showing of it! Luckily I got the tickets in advance because I'm sure it's sold out." She stated while showing me the movie tickets.

"Oh yeah! They shot that movie here in Oregon right? It was just a few miles from the Comic Store down the road!"

"Yeah, your right. Okay let's go, we can't be late for this."

  We walked out the door and grabbed an umbrella. It was very cold and the smelt of fresh rain filled my nose. We walked down to the theater and ran inside. I shivered as water flicked off the umbrella when we closed it.

  "Come on! They just opened the doors!" Alaina pointed to the doors and I followed her in.

  "Let's sit up near the front, no one ever sits up here." I said sitting right in the middle if the front row.

   Within the next 10 minutes the theater was full of people. I looked to the right of my isle. There was a couple holding hands a few seats down and their kid sitting next to them. There were about 5 people sitting to the left of us. One person really caught my eye. He looked young but he had a big coat on sunglasses. He has a big hat over his blond hair.

  The theater darkened bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked up and the big screen. I then realised I was smiling like an idiot. I was just so excited. The screen turned black and three words popped up in a white font. 'Stand By Me' it read. I really did like that name. It was just so... creative? I don't know but I loved it.

   About 7 minutes in When all the boys inv the movie looked at each other and said something, I heard the mysterious kid in my row say it with them. How would he know the lines in the movie? This was the first showing. I also heard him whisper a lot of the lines Chris Chambers in the movie says. How did he know this??

   The movie ended and I was so happy I saw it. It was so so good. Alaina looked at me and started laughing at me. It was then I realised I was crying like a baby. The ending was just so... so sad!

   Everybody scattered from the theater as the credits went on. I didn't move an inch though. For some reason I wanted to see the credits. I looked at the actor names. Wil Wheaton as Gordon Lachance, he was the shy boy that was so sweet and sensitive. Corey Feldman as Teddy Duchamp, he was the crazy one that had a crazy dad that stormed the beach in Normandy. Jerry O' Connell as Vern Tessio. He was the fat kid that came up with the plan for them to go on an adventure. And River Phoenix as Chris Chambers... He was my favorite. He was so strong but he was holding so many things inside. He grew up in a bad family and everyone knew he'd turn out bad, including Chris.

   "I'm leaving, I'll be by the doors, I don't care about the credits." Alaina said while walking out of the theater.

   I was still sitting in my seat. I was alone. No wait, I wasn't alone. I looked around and gasped as I saw that boy was still sitting 3 seats down from me! He was still here? It was just us two alone in that theater. What if he was a murderer?? He was wearing so much clothing you couldn't even see his skin. No, he looked too young. Well I couldn't really tell but what I saw of him looked young.

   "Did you like it?" He whispered but looked at me in the process.

   "U-Um yes! Yes I did!" I stated loudly. "I really liked it, did you?" I asked the mysterious boy.

   "Yeah I did." He said a little louder. His voice was... really nice. Wait, but it sounds familiar?

   "I'm Abby!" I said scooting a little closer to him. He seemed to tense up when I did this.

   "Hi Abby." He was so awkward. He didn't look up when he spoke to me and he spoke quietly.

    " And you are....?" I asked awkwardly

   "Oh, I'm... um-" He was interrupted by the janitor that I hadn't realised walked in.

  "Hey you kids! This room is closed now the movies over!" He said a little to loud. I jumped up when he spoke. He had a startling voice.

   The boy got up and started walking "Hey! Wait!" I don't know why but I chased after him. For some reason I felt like I needed to know who he was. Why he was dressed like that. He stopped when he got out if the doors and I cought up to him.

    "Yeah?" He said crossing his arms across his chest.

     "You never told me your name!" I let out a big breath while I said it.

    "Why do you wanna know?" He said looking to the floor.

   "Hey I told you mine so it's only fair if you tell me yours." Why did I care so much??

   "Well, it's... River" He said taking off his hat and sunglasses.

Oh. My. God.




Oh my god!!! It was the guy in the movie!

"Wha-How-Wha??" I was so confused! Why was he here? Now? Why was he talking to me?

"Yeah. I'm River Phoenix." He said awkwardly putting out his hand to me.

I quickly shook it. "Why are you here???" I asked quietly. I didn't want to draw attention to us.

"I was sick when the producers showed the movie to all the other actors and it was our only chance to see it so I had to come to the first public showing." He said a little to quickly.

"Oh... well. It's an honor to meet you I really loved your movie River!" I was smiling like crazy. I probably looked like a total crazy person.

He turned around to leave and started walking away. I guess I scared him off... I frowned and turned around to go find Alaina.

"Hey Abby where are you going?" I turned around and saw River walking towards me but with a paper and pen in his hand. I stood there mouth dropped. Why was he still talking to me?

"U-Um what are you doing?" I asked dumbfounded.

He wrote something down on the paper and handed it to me. And with that he was gone. He turned around and left. He wasn't coming back this time, I knew that. I looked down at the paper in my hands. I unfolded it slowly, hands shaking.

Hey Abby, Call me





Cry Me a River *River Phoenix*Where stories live. Discover now