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I go into the room and see snow flakes,a weird smell and Billy. I start to panic and suddenly I  get a feeling all of my happiness is being stretched out of my body.
Then someone starts laughing, I go forward and see that the doll Billy is laughing. But his face is not changing and suddenly someone walks around me but Billy is not moving.Then I see a boy really small even smaller than me.He had a fiesty look on his face.He was wearing suspenders and a bow and a hat.He looked like a decent boy from the 90s or 80s.The boy says-
"SO,we finally meet face to face again.My mother who solely depends on me.She is not a puppet maker , she is the puppet.Now Nara you see that I look much smaller than you right now.Okay do you remember the pastor from the memory ?
Nara doesn't answer.
He again says-

Nara says,"Yes I remember"
"Well that was me.Now you have to understand that you have to die because if you don't she may come back to her senses.
Nara's p.o.v
The boy kept talking and talking but suddenly an idea came to me to destroy Billy I have to destroy the doll that would end all.I run talking a hammer that was lying there and break the doll.Billy starts burning like wax and burns to ashes.

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