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don't recall | xvii.

timeframe: highschool

Shaking, I took the seat two rows behind them. As I sat down, I took out my phone and dialed Matthew's number. I pressed my phone to my ear and looked in front of me.

His entire body shot up when his ringtone blasted through the quiet cinema. He quickly took his phone out and probably pressed silent because the ringing died down yet he still hasn't answered nor ended my call.

I saw Sulhee laugh and since I was only a few rows behind them, I could hear their whispers. "Stupid Matt-ah," she giggled. "Who's calling?"

Matthew scratched his neck sheepishly and looked at the screen. Even with the darkness of the room, the light from his phone showed his face register shock upon seeing the screen.

"Oh, it's Jiwoo," he said, not even answering yet.

"Oh! Answer it, the movie's gonna start soon. Tell her I said hi," Sulhee said and my eyebrows shot down in the middle.

My eyes narrowed as I tried to understand her. Was she trying to rub their cheating asses in my face? Or did I hear incorrectly?

Matthew sighed. "I told you already, Sul-ah."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Jiwoo can't know yet because she'll probably be mad that I have new friends besides her and Taeyung. I think I already memorize that line. But don't you think you should give her more credit? I'm sure she'll understand, she's your bestfriend," Sulhee said and I suddenly I was overwhelmed.

I was confused, shocked, angry and hurt all at the same time.

Sulhee didn't even know she was cheating. She wasn't even cheating. Does it count as cheating when one doesn't know that she's cheating?

I proceeded to let out a dry chuckle. Damn you, Matthew.

My usual self isn't even reacting right now. I should be mad and screaming my mind out. Hell, I should even be rushing up to them and making them eat their heads off. I'd grab one of the people's popcorns and eat as I watch both of them battle morbidly without heads.

But fuck it.

Fuck everything, but most importantly, fuck Matthew.

I stood up from my seat not caring if I'm disrupting the movie, and as walked towards them, something hit me.

All of the times I was told that I really had heart, the times the people who knew me defended me from people who don't, and the times I only laughed them off and never listened, never believed in—I think I do now.

Because instead of walking towards the couple and continuing my morbid plan, I walked towards the exit without blood on my hands.

Well, okay, there was blood on my hands seeing as I was just cut by a glass on my palm but... that was clearly not the point.

"Mom, please stop calling? If you're going to tell me how Matthew isn't seri—"

"I can't talk right now but start packing your bags, honey. We'll be moving to Australia, your Dad and I will talk to you soon," Mom interrupted me and my shut eyes snapped opened. Before I could react, my Mom had already hung up on me.

Well, what the fuck was that. I know how busy they both get at certain days of the week but really? They tell me we're moving to a different continent in a one-minute phone call? I think the phone call didn't even last for a minute.

I sat up and the sleepiness was gone. Actually I don't think it was even there, I think I was just tired. Tired of a lot of things—of everything. The kind of tired sleep won't be able to fix.

Sighing, I stood up and went towards my closet. I kneeled and took my suitcase under it. I opened it and a few other traveling bags were inside. With another sigh, I started packing. I threw everything I needed from my closet and sat on the floor, then folded everythinf to fit inside.

I was too overwhelmed with things to even think why we're suddenly moving thousands of miles away so I just shook the thought off and decided to just wait 'til my parents talk to me about it.

Ugh, I'm even gonna have to tell this to my friends, I don't want to leave them! But I know I will never be able to sway my parents' decisions. Everything's happening all at once, me leaving them and Matthew leaving me.

I finished packing in an hour and still feeling tired, I sprawled on my floor and stayed there for a bit. And since I knew my tiredness wasn't sleepiness, I didn't anticipate that I would end up sleeping until morning when my parents woke me up.

"Ya! What are you doing on the floor, Jiwoo?" I saw my Mom's face as my eyes opened. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, gettinf confused as to why I was on the floor.

But then everything flashed from Matthew's phone call, the broken glass, the movie and everything until the reason why I lay on the floor. I grunted at the wage of thoughts and laid on the floor again.

I hear my parents sigh. "Be a normal kid for once, Jiwoo-yah?" Dad said but I didn't budge.

"Alright just listen. Your mom and I decided to help your Uncle June, you him right?" He asked but continued without my response. "We're gonna help him full-time, and that means we're gonna have to relocate in his area. We're already starting to fix our papers and we rushed it, so we'll be leaving in two weeks. June already provided us a house he bought some time ago but haven't used. We're—" Since I already knew what the reason was and when we were leaving, everything Dad said afterwards seemed gibberish to me. I dumbly nodded at everything until they realize it was no use and got out of my room.

The next few days I stayed at home, still feeling empty. After eating pints—plural—of ice cream during those days, Taehyung seemed to have had enough of my absence and barged into the house.

He didn't knew anything and I was confused because I was sure Matthew would tell him. But then again Matthew really was a jerk, because I later knew that he has also gone MIA, as if he wasn't the reason of all this.

God, what happened to you, Matthew?

Obviously Taehyung was furious, and so we ended up buying and eating more pints of ice cream.

We did that for a while and I never saw Matthew, while Taehyung did, but barely. He was really avoiding both of us, and I just shook my head everytime I thought of him.

The day finally came I went to Australia, and the last memory I had of Matthew was his cheating ass.

[a/n] WOW. Wow???!! WOW!!!! After what, 4, 5 months? I finally updated? WHAAAAT? You can't believe it? Oh man, even I can't believe it! After months of mental block, daaaaaaamn. (So I ask you to be patient and considerate of my writing because I've been out of the game for so long that you might be noticing changes with the writing and all that huhu) Please be happy for me!!!!! (Even though you're probably mad for the all the wait IM SORRY) I just really hit a solid brick wall after the last chapter and nothing seemed to come to me anymore—I didn't know what to write, I had NOOOO idea what would, could and should happen next! Dark days, yes *cries infinitely until 2019 which is probably my next update KIDDING* anyway, I STILL really want to thank you all because whenever I open this acc and attempt to write, the notifs never stopped and while it hurts me to see you comment and wait for the update, they actually touch my heart because wow, people are actually reading my work and are waiting for me!!!! Now THATS ACCOMPLISHMENT, right???? LOVE U ALL!!! TT__TT Oh and before I forget, I really want to thank yukghei- for being the best supporter this book ever had!! I mean, I have been writing for years now and at every story I had there's always this one reader, may it be the first or not, who just really brings out the best of the author. And thaT's YOU OMG I LOVE U!!!!!!! ANOTHER NOTICE: I know there are a lot of plotholes and mistakes, but I won't be able to change and revise them for now since you know, It's obvious I'm already having a hard time continuing HAHA but I'll be fixing them as soon as I get my flow on, or maybe when I actually finish! OKAY THATS ALL THANKS AND I LOVE U ALL

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2018 ⏰

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