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"C'mon Harry. Get in the water." Liam called from the water, over to where I was safely on the shore.

"No thanks, I'm good." I waved off his offer.

Truth was, I really wanted to get in and have fun with my best mates. I just couldn't risk the world knowing what I am.

The fans would hate me. management would freak. And the boys.... they'd probably throw me out of the band.

I didn't want that. I wanted to be in One Direction. I needed it.

"C'mon Hazz.." Louis whined and I nearly melted.

Louis and I were probably the closest out of all of us.

He knew everything about me-excluding the little secret that I was hiding from everyone except my family- sometimes I had a feeling that he knew about my crush on him, but others it seemed like he didn't.

I was so conflicted.

If I told Louis I was completely mad for him, he could feel the same way and we could face Modest! and the fans reactions together.

Or he could not feel the same feelings and then it would ruin everything we've worked so damn hard for.

Or I could keep my feelings to myself and hope and pray that they go away or lessen.

I chose the latter.

At least this way I wouldn't have to explain to Louis why I had a tail and ears of a cat.....

I, Harry Edward Styles, am indeed a secret cat hybrid.


Okay guys this was short, but the shorter the chapters, the longer the book!


Love you all bunches<3


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