Time's Echo.

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(A/N: I added so much cute and emotional spoby moments in this part)

"Do you know who she is?"
"Yes I think I do"

Spencer's P.O.V

I can't find Toby anywhere. I don't know where he went. I'm having some kind of strange feelings. I was growing upset when I finally found him in his study.

"Toby! I've been looking for you everywhere" I said.
He was sitting on a chair but when I got closer I realized he was crying.
"Toby? Hey are you okay?"
"Yes! I'm Okay" He replied wiping his tears.
"No. No. You're not. Tell me what happened"
He showed me a ring in his hand. It was pretty old but it was beautiful and shiny as new.
"Toby! Whose ring is this?"
"My mom's!" He said as a tear rolled down his cheek.
"Toby you never told me about your parents"
"Yeah I never did... My dad was also an architect he was my inspiration in the construction and architecture field. He passed away in an accident when I was 14 and... My mom was the first greatest woman I ever had in my life before you" He smiled and so did I "She raised me alone and with great love. She taught me right and wrong, everything in my life that I wanted to know. In every step of my life she was with me. I worked hard to give her everything she never had. I wanted to let her know that she was my queen. When I was struggling for Cavanaugh constructions she got ill. She was suffering from Cancer I wanted her to get the best treatment but instead she said me to pay attention to my career. When I finished my first big project, I came home happily and asked her caretaker to get her ready because I wanted to have dinner with her but I found her lifeless on her bed. The doctors said that she was dead since last 5 hours" A tear rolled down his cheek.
"I wanted to tell her the good news she always waited for but.... That's why I had a drinking problem"
"Is that why you were drinking that night" I asked as another tear fell from his eyes and he nodded.
"Toby!" I took him into my arms.
"I know she must be so proud of you Toby"
"No. No I don't think so after what happened between us and you are tied with me because of this baby... I... I know you wanted more from life and-" I literally used the guys method to shut him up because he's just speaking nonsense. I do want to be with him.
Our kiss lasted after some seconds. He was staring at me with his beautiful ocean blue eyes.
"I think you got my answer about being with you" I said.
He smiled so widely.

"You know what, mom gave me this ring and told me to give it to the girl I love. The one who's my everything. The brunette with brown beautiful eyes and a big, love filled and forgiving heart" He slid the ring on my finger "I think I found her" I was quite, just staring at him and smiling.
"You may never love me but I do and I don't want anyone to come in our way. Consider me selfish but I won't let you go ever because you're mine!"

I didn't knew what to say. He was just pulling me closer and closer and soon his lips collided with mine. I smiled through the kiss. I never felt like this ever. Did he just proposed me? I kept asking myself. Oh my God! this is such a beautiful feeling.
After a few minutes of making out carefully he helped me sit up straight.
He played with my hair and was staring at me like he got everything he ever wanted from life. He was happy and so was I until he asked me something...
"Hey! You never talk about your parents!"
My sweet expressions changed into something horrifying.
"I don't have anything to tell" I said.
"There must be something!" He insisted.
I didn't know if I was ready to tell him or anyone about it but then I realized that I've been holding on for too long and should share it with him.
"My dad died when I was 2. My mom married again when I was 14 because she loved that man so much not as much as she loved dad but a little closer to that and she thought that he will take care of me when she's gone because after dad passed she suffered so much. She had a heart disease and she never told me because she wanted a bright future for me and she thought it will disturb me mentally and physically. She died when I was 16. I was shattered. My step dad was okay but after a few months he showed his true colors. He wasn't a good man. He fooled my mother and took her property. I never wanted that so I let him take it but one night...

"Dad are you out of your mind?"
"I'm not your dad honey!" He grabbed me and took out a knife.
"Ughh. Don't touch me!" I screamed.
"Trust me! Killing you is the only option for me. I'll have everything your mother had. I promise. It'll be painless"

He tried to stab me but I pushed him away and stabbed him instead. First I was scared I thought he's dead but he woke up again.
I ran away to Ali's place and called the police. They took him in custody. I lived at Ali's for 2 months and after that we graduated and then I completed my architecture diploma and we came to New York for a new beginning.
"That's all" I looked over to him with a sigh. He was shook.
"What?" I asked putting a hand on his chin.
He hugged me without saying a word.
We were similar in our sufferings. I could see it in his eyes that he was in too much pain just like me. We cuddled and fell asleep.

Next morning..

Toby's P.O.V

"Wake up beautiful!" I whispered to her.
She opened her eyes slowly
"Good morning babe!"
"Good morning!"she smiled.
"How are you feeling?"
"My stomach hurts and it's empty too" She replied.
"You up for breakfast?" I asked.
"Yeah! I'm gonna make pancakes bec- WHAT IS THAT TOBY?"
"Umm. I..umm made these" I said.
She gave me a confused smile.
"Okay I know that I'm not a good cook but I practiced so hard for this and since you never wanted a maid for yourself I don't like it when you work in this condition so I took matters into my own hands and I made these pancakes for you. Just give it a try"
She was laughing so hard.
"Sure!" She said.
She took a bite and her eyes widened.
"You made this?"
Shit! I knew they're terrible.
"They're terrible. right?"
"No! No they're so good just taste it!"
I can't believe I made these. They were literally so yummy.
"Dr. Yvonne Phillip?"
"Yes Ms. D?"
"When is her labor due?"
"In 2-3 weeks ma'am!"
"Make me sure that the baby will be dead at birth!"
"Yes ma'am I'm sure. I'll do it your way"
"I'm sending you advance 10,000$"
"Thank you ma'am!
*calls hungs up*

Yvonne wtf?😁 a big twist is coming your way...
Comment who you think is
Ms. D!
Love you all

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