The First

46 1 0

Weapons? yes

Courage?...obviously not

It was my first time, the first chance I had, and it was quite harder than I ever imagined it could be. I was on top of it, ready to end the life of this horrible creature. A silver stake was firmly held in my hands, and still, I couldn't swing the knife down, into it's chest. It looked so alive. I was lifted up and down every breath it took. My hands started to shiver, and the stake almost fell out of my sweaty palms. It was a strigoi that I was trying to defeat. Strigoi were immortal, extremely strong and powerful creatures. They were, most importantly, evil and cruel.

I had wished for this moment to come; me killing one. Until now. I froze there, and minutes had passed by.The enemy had been knocked unconscious when I hit him with a huge block of ice. I had no time. It was going to wake up soon, and then, I won't be as lucky as I was now. I forced my mind to focus on what would happen if I couldn't kill it. So many innocent people would die because of this creature, and even more would be hurt, both physically, and emotionally, just like me right now. Losing Miria was the worst, the most hurtful, and unbelievable thing that happened to my life. It had changed so much of my life. Wasn't I here to save her? To help people? How many lives would I save if I just had the courage? This isn't a choice, this is something I have to do. I closed my eyes, and raised the knife. Then, with a shaky breath, I stabbed.

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