1 ~ Melinoe

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Melinoe pinched two belladonna berries from the branch and dropped them into the cauldron, smiling when the brew belched a wisp of gray vapor into the air. The smell of fermented herbs flooded her kitchen, and she opened the window to let the sedative aroma escape into the forest. Not much got past the dense evergreens that protected Melinoe's home. The fauna had become used to her brewing habits, steering clear if they didn't want to pass out on the trail.

But visitors were unlikely. The goddess's fortress was miles from anyone. Although the original grandiose structure no longer stood, having been torn down to build a sixteenth-century English manor, a healthy growth of thorny vines had filled-in the brick facade and clung to the wrought iron fence, making the place look forbidding. Just how she liked it.

Letting her brew thicken, Melinoe cleaned her workspace, setting up two empty vials. One to be used now and one for later. She had been working on a gift with Elm, the curious daughter of the underworld's lord and lady. Elm wanted to give her mother something special for her birthday, and Melinoe was more than happy to help.

Forty years she had bided her time, waiting for Hades to take her to bed, or the woods, or anywhere he liked. Of course, forty years wasn't long compared to other dry spells, but Melinoe was tired of waiting. Surely, the lusty god could be tempted with something less family oriented. Something involving magic and a sash.

Truth be told, Melinoe had not endeared herself to Hades's precious queen, which Melinoe blamed herself for. She was prone to jealousy, a weakness she suspected would never die, especially when it came to Hades. She still hated Persephone, but not out of jealousy. Persephone abandoned her years ago, and Melinoe refused to forgive her.

It never occurred to Melinoe that Hades might take a new queen, and certainly not one whom everyone claimed to be the living embodiment of Gaia. Even Zeus deferred to Lexi's benevolence. Well...they would all see how benevolent she was under threat.

With much left to do, Melinoe gathered up her satchel and stood over her brew. She breathed in the sedating vapors, making sure she could detect the belladonna. The elixir had no effect on her, but it was quite useful for subduing spirits. Popping the cork off a vial, she held it over the rising steam to catch the essence. She had a date with someone important. Someone she planned to ask a favor of. He owed her much, but he also liked his freedom, so on the chance he failed to agree, she needed a backup plan.

~ ~ ~

Melinoe hated Port Oceanus. It was too damned cheerful with the three amigos; Ink, Charon, and Hermes ferrying the souls. They kept the punts painted in warm colors and lined them up against the dock like pleasure boats waiting for tourists. It was also a pain-in-the-ass to slip in and out unnoticed. It used to be that a set of imposing gates and a bottomless pit welcomed the newly-deceased, and Melinoe would pass the time with Thanatos, challenging him to winged duels over the black abyss. But the good old days were gone.

Today, Melinoe opted for the gates where Thanatos still maintained a vigil. Only the lost souls ended-up there, and it was Thanatos's job to handle the rogues with his apathetic manner and intimidating poise. A contradiction some might say, but he was the god of death and there was no other job for him, really. Of course, Melinoe was never intimidated by Thanatos. She was the only goddess in the underworld he had taken to bed, and they had an understanding.

"Pleasant day, Thanatos," Melinoe said as she stepped through the gates.

"You know I don't notice those things," he said, acknowledging her with the slightest eyebrow lift.

"And you know I only say that to tease you. What's on the agenda today? Pushing spirits off the precipice and watching them flail?"

Thanatos scratched his chiseled chin. "I was considering a game of truth or dare, but your idea sounds better."

"I'm glad I could be of service." Melinoe lifted her veil to smile at him, testing his reaction to her pleasantness. She wasn't surprised to see him cock his head suspiciously. "There is something I need to run by you," she said. "Let's say I was to bring back an incubus. Would you report me?"

"That depends. Are you planning to keep the incubus in your home or set him loose in the underworld? I won't abide your tricks."

Melinoe offered him a pout. "I would never implicate you. I plan to bring him back for my pleasure. We both know he wouldn't last long if I set him loose."

"How long will you keep him? And be specific."

"Six weeks."

"From today?"

"I will let you know that when I return. I am not sure if he will agree to my terms."

Thanatos's lips twitched as he offered his retort. "I'm sure you will think of a creative way to convince him. Now, be off...before I change my mind." He flicked his hand at the black veil in front of them, and Melinoe gratefully lowered hers.

One obstacle down. One to go.

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