2. Scintillate

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"Will you accept our offer?"

Helles' heart thudded against his ribcage as his eyes widened at the offer. He knew the meeting would be of importance to invite both dranude generals, but he hadn't expected such an offer to be presented. He swallowed thickly and shared a glance with Proctus. The slightly older man had his gaze resting on Helles, and although he could clearly see the ushering in Proctus' eyes for him to take the offer, he couldn't help but let his own attention snap back towards Anades.

"My apologies, my lady," he started clearing his throat to steady his words. "With all due respect, would Proctus not be a better choice for such a position?" he asked, brow lifting. There was a low murmur, and Anades'd eyes dropped to her clasped hands briefly. A silence fell over them briefly, and although it was subtle, Helles could make out the faint twitch in Proctus' muscles.

Finally, it was Sorse who spoke up once more. "We thought of that as well," she started, shifting her weight. "But, with how tense the people already are with Anades most recent law passing, and their fear of the General, we have no other choice but to choose someone else, and next in line, was you," she finished explaining, her tired umber eyes. That familiar look of "sorry" caused Helles to bite down on his tongue and lower his head in understanding.

"Of course," he breathed.

Silence fell upon them once more, that is, until the creaking of a chair began. Eyes shifted over to Kytte who had her arms crossed atop the table, jade green eyes locking on Helles. "I understand that it's a rather sudden offer, but the people need someone they can trust to lead them, to guide them. And you have proven yourself just as capable a leader as Proctus, a politician or not," the guard-captain mused, leaning over to better peer at the taller being. "You won't be required to step down from your role as General either. Your skills are too valuable for that. You will simply be requested to move yourself and your troops here," she added, as if reading the dranude's mind.

Helles still hesitated despite the reassurance. His eyes flickered from one face to the other and his clawed fingers tapped against his knee briefly. "And, all of the council agrees on this?" The question left him awkwardly, and he watched as the gathered members shared a look, humming words of agreement, aside from one.

"Roughly so, yes," Stephen spoke up from Helles' left, purple eyes narrowed and a single brow arched.

Clearing his throat, the general nodded his head and sat up. "I see," he lowered his head to his hands briefly, thinking and appreciating the others for their silence. "Very well," he finally announced, lifting his head to lock eyes with the Queen's soft brown ones. "It would be an honor to join the council as the first dranude ambassador." As he finally accepted the role, he could feel the tension in the air ease at least some.

Anades let out a relieved sigh finally, letting her head drop briefly, before her eyes flickered back up towards the rest of the council, a gentle smile crossing her face. "Well," she started, standing slowly as she placed both of her hands on the tabletop, "it seems we have a celebration to plan for two reasons now!" As she finished her announcement, the rest of the council stood as well, most of them grinning, others, less-so, but all of them took a deep bow to the queen as was custom. "Seeing how we must get things in order quickly, I'll see to it that Bryten and Inge are properly prepared," Sorse explained, earning a fair nod from the others.

"Then, I suppose with this handled, I would like to dismiss this meeting of the council," the queen dismissed the gathered, however, it was no secret when her eyes flickered directly towards the elder General in the room. Her glance was returned by Proctus, and Helles' couldn't help but let his curiosity rise, but as the rest of the council ushered themselves out of the room, he found himself following after, leaving the room alongside Sorse.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2018 ⏰

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