Questions 76-80

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76) Which rune did John Carstairs refuse to put on?

77) Complete the quote
"First the flame and then the _____
In the end it's __________ blood.
Seek thou to forget what's past
First _____ and then the last.
Search not the ___ of angels gray,
Red or white will lead you far astray.
To regain what you have lost,
Find the ____ ____ at any cost."

78) Identify the quote
"Entreat me not to leave thee, or return form following after thee
For where thou goest i will go and where thou lodgest i will lodge
Thy people shall be my people and thy god my god
Where thou diest i will die, and there i will be buried
And the Angel do so to me, and more so, if aught but death part thee and me."

79) what is usually the first rune Shadowhunters get, and where is it located?

80) What is Wrangel Island?

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