Sex, Drugs and Rock N' Roll

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"NIRVANA KEEP IT DOWN, WE'VE GOT GUESTS" her dad bellowed banging on her bedroom door almost breaking it down.

Turning off her music disappointingly and laying down on her bed drifting off to sleep so she could at least get up for school tomorrow morning.

Alice Cooper blared through her house and whole neighbourhood. Yes Nirvana was her name. Nirvana Louise Ryland or Vana as known by her friends. In great honour was she named after the 80's rock band Nirvana and boy was she proud of it, telling every person she could about the story behind her legendary name and how she loved 80's rock even though she wasn't born in that era or even close it being born in 1995. She refused to listen to all the new pop music, it burned her ears as she would say. She lit up at anything to do with Rock music or 80's hairstyles, clothes and people, such a carefree time she expressed in her mind. You see her friends just didn't get it, didn't understand her love for that time only it didn't bother her much what bothered her was that they had no belief in her dreams what so ever, nor her parents. Her long life dream was to bring back rock, the style, the music, the voices and the love. She was to move to America as she was Australian introduce herself to a record label and tell them about her thoughts and they'd immediately jump at her ideas and she'd become the first ever singer to bring back rock n' roll in 2013. Yeah it seemed like a long shot and everyone who heard this idea had laughed even her beloved family who were still what seemed like living in the 80's, her dad still rocking the mullet, singlet and jeans. Her mother with the ultra curly perm and her legwarmers. Both parents happened to be still the best looking people in there whole town and although Nirvana hated to admit it. She on the other hand did love everything about that time wasn't so much into the clothes, the hair YES. She was brunette with dreamy long soft hair, her eyes blue as forget-me-nots, her skin looked as pure as porceline with no make up what so ever, the way her smile shed light on so many dark places and last but definitely not least she had a body to die for, never have you seen so many guys look at a girl wherever she went eyes rolling up and down her almost drooling like was some kind of candy. Just because she happened to be beautiful didn't mean she was popular in any way and that was almost positively because of her infatuation with rock n' roll unfortunately.

"Vana!" Stacey called punching her arm lightly rolling her eyes at her day dreaming bestfriend.

Stacey Monroe, the bestfriend. Nirvana and Stacey were complete opposites, Stacey loved to party, was a pretty in pink kind of girl and flirted with all the guys. She had blonde hair that was shaped in sort of a con cove, eyes that were as black as the night sky yet beautifully sensitive, her smile was radiant and always showing, never was there a dull moment with her, although not the best figure she still managed to get plenty more guys than she bargained for which was no surprise to Nirvana, she knew her bestfriend was beautiful and was proud to have her.

"Huh?" Vana jumped completely oblivious to herself being at the end of her school day.

"You were daydreaming once again now c'mon schools out and the parties tonight! We need to start getting ready" She latched onto Vana's arm riping her from her seat.

Ah yes the annual school party, the time of the year Nirvana dreaded, being social wasn't really her cup of tea, not with these kind of people anyway. Stacey on the other hand looked forward to this all year EVERY year, so it was only fair that being her bestfriend she should support her and tag along just so she didn't look out of place.

"Close your eyes" Stacey demanded.

"Why?" Nirvana furrowed her eye brows refusing to do so without a good reason.

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