Chapter 1- My Story

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Christina's P.O.V.

There I was walking down the hallway, wondering how I transformed from a lame, loser into one of the biggest pop stars in the world!

          In grade 8 I was one of the biggest freaks alive. I was the person that no one talked to and was too shy to talk to anyone else. People hated me because I was smart. I wasn't the girl that got voted as Prom Queen or the one that all the guys wanted to date. I was a total outcast. I hated my life: everyone just assumed that I was one of those nerds that just sat in my room and studied all day. The only people that really knew me were, the people on my team. I was on the B.C. team hoping to be drafted for Hockey and playing in the Olympics for Women on Team Canada. I dedicated all my time to practicing, practicing and practicing. I was on a Co-Ed team and if I say so myself I was the best on my team. I was the only girl on the team and i had won the M.V.P two years in a row. Oh, I also have two brothers, one that is older than me and one younger. My parents died in a horrible car crash 2 months ago, and I had been depressed ever since. We lived with Foster Parents, but my brother said that in a few months we would move out and get our own house so we wouldn't have to be dependent on other people. I had went through a lot back then and no one really understands how difficult it is until they have to go through all of the same problems.  It's easy to judge but it's difficult to live that way.

          There was this one guy in my class named Ryan Kesler and he was one of the hottest and sweetest people I had ever met. I had dreamed about him since I was in grade 5, but I knew that he would never go out with a nerd like me. He was every girl's dream.  He was one the most popular boys at our school. 

          All through grade 8 and 9 I had been known as the outcast of the school. But grade 10 was the year everything changed, where I called the shots and created an amazing life of my own. That year was my year. So I had been thinking of trying out for the Canucks Team. I knew it sounded very farfetched. If i got on the team it would make my life. I no longer would be just that girl, I would be the first girl to ever make it to the NHL. I knew I was good and many people had told me they wouldn't be surprised if I made it. 

          The night of my audition i was really excited, if I made it through this I would be sent to Pittsburgh, to do hard skill testing obstacles and then maybe selected by some team to play in the NHL. But the chances back then of me making it on the team were one in a million, no girl has ever made it and at this age it would be a miracle if I did. 

           When I walked in that night, all I saw was guys staring at me like what is she doing here, she is a girl, she can't play hockey? All of them began to judge me by my looks. All I saw was Ryan, he was there too, I knew i was going to mess this up for sure, GREAT! They called us in and put us threw a lot of skill testing obstacles on the ice, I tryed to skate as fast as I can, and do everything the best I could and act like a pro.

          Then after 3 days of hard work they invited us to Rogers arena to announce the finalists to tell us who was going to Pittsburgh.  I sat there as i wished with all my might that it would be me.  They said the finalists were.... 


Do u think Christina will make it and make her parents proud? Well you will have to wait to read the next Chapter to find out! Hope you enjoyed   xoxoxo :)

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