7 - The Guardian

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Molly woke with alarming speed.

"What the heck was that?"

She was convinced she had heard something. A shriek or a wail of some kind. Something loud enough to wake her. Next to her was the sleeping form of Conor offering up the occasional snort. Though irritating, it certainly wasn't loud enough to wake her. She looked around and noticed the surroundings had changed significantly. Daylight had been replaced by the cool moodiness of night. She looked up at the sky to see a luminous full moon. Its brightness helped shine some light on her surroundings. She lifted her head over the cover of shrubs and tried to spy on the village below.

It was quieter. There was some activity here and there, but for the most part, the streets were still. The light of fireflies flickered fancifully, lending a magical quality to the scene below.

Has a whole day gone by? Though the prospect of missing school was a welcome one, Molly was sure her absence wouldn't go unnoticed. Once her mum realized she was missing, her days would be numbered. She decided to let Conor sleep and go to the village for a look. They had to find a way home.

Molly got to her feet and crept her way toward the village. Drawn to yet another path, she found small lamps illuminating her way. The lights flickered fretfully as if generated from a weak or moving power source. Curious, Molly decided to investigate. Each tiny globe of glass hung from a copper stand that stood about twelve inches high. Crouching down and looking directly into a globe, Molly gasped at the sight before her.

Faeries! Unbelievably, there were four faeries inside!

And they appeared to be playing poker, no less! They sat at the smallest table and chair set she had ever seen! The gentle fluttering of their wings was the dim source of light. Molly continued to watch in awe, her attention captured by their actions. Suddenly, with an angry thump, one of the faeries threw down his cards and spouted words that truth be told, were not meant for young ears! In obvious defeat, the obscene-tongued faerie crossed his arms with a stubborn pout, beating his wings frantically as his anger mounted. The light glowed brighter. The other faeries, laughing at their companion's theatrics, calmed him. As his temper faded, his wings flapped at a slower pace causing the light to dim. It was an amazing sight that was interrupted only as the foursome became aware of Molly's watchful eyes. Holding their cards closer to their chests, they looked at Molly irritably.

"Alright, alright." Molly acknowledged. It wasn't like she was helping any of them cheat. With a quick glance at the other lights, she saw that each carried four faeries, all busy playing the night away. Every now and again, a new foursome would fly up to the light eager to get to their cards. Molly stood and brushed the dirt from her knees before she continued down the path.

She now realized that the fireflies she had noticed earlier were faeries fluttering to and fro in a constant social state. It was as if she had stumbled upon a card playing convention and everyone was flitting about, gathering foursomes, and waiting their turn.

What is this place?

Reluctantly, Molly left the faeries behind and came as close to the street as she dared. Secluded within the shadows of a cottage, she slowly inched her way to peek around the corner. There were few people out at this late hour. Farther down the street, in the shadows stood two, maybe three people conversing in hushed tones. Like her, they appeared to be concealing themselves in the shadows.

Molly looked even farther up the street. Her heart beat with anticipation. Not twenty feet away from the secretive group was an archway. Different from the one in the Moat, but still an archway. She was willing to take a gamble.

Molly McCormack & the Legend of Tir na nOgWhere stories live. Discover now