The accident

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Hey thank you guys who have read to here I have updated and tweaked the whole story fixed some spelling errors and made it better thanks for reading. Please leave comments on what you think and vote 😊

"You?" He said with a surprised face

"YOU" I said with a smirk on my face that soon change to horror as I realize who it was.

"What are you doing here?" I said

"Oh you don't know love" he whispered

"What?" I whispered

Than at that moment Ally came back ready and beautiful as ever and said

"Oh hey Derek how are you? Have you met Nikki yet"

"Oh I did very nice" he answered and winked at me

I rolled my eyes and shudder at the realization at what he meant.

He gave Ally the pink roses.

He then lean to my ear and whispered "you look beautiful you know"

I backed away from him confused and he went to Ally and told her she looked Pretty and how excited he was for the date.

"Thank you and so am I" she said with a smile

Then she went to put the roses in a vase in the kitchen.

While we were having, what seem like a staring contest. We heard an earth shattering scream and the sound of glass breaking. That we ran to the kitchen and found her on the floor

"Oh I'm so sorry I did not mean to scream or scare you guys. It just because I dropped the vase as I was going to pick it up. I placed my foot incorrectly that I seem to have sprained it. Oh I can't stand up Nikki can you give me a hand please" she asked sweetly from the floor.

"Sure sweetie" I helped her to her room and got her to change into something comfortable and bandaged her sprained ankle.

"Oh why of all days do I have to be a klutz today? On my first date with Derek and on my birthday why world can you be so cruel?" She said dramatically.

"Hey it's okay, it's not the end of the world you can go out with him another night" I said with a tight smile

" Yes but what if he made reservations to a fancy restaurant. I do not want to leave him hanging on his first day!" She said

"Oh well that sucks but he will live" I said sarcastically but then I saw her face light up for a second. After staring at me for a while
As I started saying no to whatever she had planned. She started screaming for Derek who was in the kitchen finishing cleaning up the glass that was on the floor.

"What? What happen Ally?"he said breathless from running to her room in a remarkable time. I do know for sure but don't doubt he is really athletic I said to myself.

"Oh I just had a question did you make reservations where we were going to go?" she asked

"Yes I did do not worry I will cancel them" he replied

"No don't, I have a perfect solution for you. While I'm going to get some rest. You can take Nikki instead of me! So I am sure no one is going to steal you from me" she winked at him as she said it to him.

He blushes slightly and said

"Sure why not. I'll get to ask more about you with her" he said and winked at me

I try not to shudder in terror and pulled a tight lip smile and

Said "Ally I'm doing this for you because of what happened, but tomorrow when your better I'm going to kill you" I said sweetly

"I guess you would but as long as it's today I am free" she said nonchalant

"Fine let's go before I regret it" I said "oh wait I already do" I mutter I under my breath. As I walk down the stairs with

Derek behind me

"So how are you" Derek said

"Don't you dare talk to me I'm only going on this Freaking friend get to know Ally "date" for Ally not for you so don't talk to me or get any ideas. Until we get their ok thank you very much" I said as I shut the front door and went into his Mercedes

"Oh dang are you still mad at me for what I did to you in middle school "he said as we were driving to the restaurant

"No how could I be "I said sarcastically.

"Why" he said

"Why are you dumb or are you just acting" I said

"Well don't be mean" he said

"ME MEAN" I screech

"Yes" he said


"Me maybe but it's the pass well know you are not a geek anymore your pretty hot you know "he said and winked nonchalantly

I did a disgusted face and scrunch my nose in disgust and said

"In your dreams loser I know to do self defense so watch out."

As I walk into the restaurant after we park at the restaurant called l'amour de votre cœur in french but in english means love from your heart. I wonder what surprises it had in store for us.

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