1. Believe

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It was raining heavily that night; the cold, sharp raindrops pelting the ground rhythmically and bouncing off in all directions. Lauren stumbled down the Chicago streets aimlessly, her heart pounding a steady drumbeat against her ribcage, her head hung low. She was biting her lip hard in a desperate attempt to hold back the tears that had been threatening to escape her eyes since she walked into her boyfriend's apartment almost an hour ago.

It was raining heavily that night; the raindrops pummelling the windows and the wind's howling becoming increasingly vociferous as each second passed. Joey was glad that he was inside, safe in the warmth of his rented apartment, protected from the raging storm that surrounded him. It was quite late, he noticed, as he settled down on the couch, a steaming mug of tea in one hand, a TV remote in the other. He switched the television on and began to surf through the channels, finally settling on a cheesy reality-TV show. He was just about to hit play when he heard the doorbell ring. He glanced down at his watch, frowning as he noticed the time it displayed – 11.04 pm. Who on earth would come calling at that hour? Shrugging, he placed the mug of tea back down on the little table next to the sofa and prised himself up, shuffling along the hallway to the front door, curious to find out who his late night visitor was.

She didn't have a coat and Lauren only then realised just how cold she was, as she stood shivering on the doorstep of the bargain apartment she had managed to find Joey whilst he stayed in Chicago for their next show. She heard him fumbling with the lock and the next thing she knew, the door had creaked open and she was greeted with the smiling face of Joey Richter, one of her oldest and best friends. Suddenly, without any warning, the tears that she had been so frantically trying to contain began to leak out, cascading down her cheeks uncontrollably. The look on Joey's face changed from one of pleasant surprise to one of utter shock. He didn't say anything, however; instead pulling her swiftly into a long, tight hug, rubbing comforting circles on her back with one hand and stroking her hair with the other, as she sobbed hysterically into his chest.

For Joey, time seemed to freeze. It could have been mere seconds or hours that they stood, embraced, in the doorway of his apartment, Lauren's drenched clothes soaking Joey's dry ones. Once she had calmed down a little, Joey lifted her up carefully by her waist and carried her into the living room, placing her down gently onto the couch. He noticed her shivering and ran into his bedroom to fetch a blanket, which she accepted gratefully before breaking down into a fresh set of sobs, covering her face in her hands and shaking as hysteria rocked her. Joey sat down next to her, whispering soothing messages into her ear and continuing to stroke her hair as she leaned against him. "Let it all out Lauren ...that's right. I'm here ...don't worry...I've got you." After about 15 minutes, her cries became softer and eventually they subsided and Joey was left with nothing more than Lauren in his arms, red eyed and soaked to the bone.

"You ready to talk yet?" Joey asked her softly.

Lauren shook her head, her lip quivering, looking perilously near tears again.

"It's alright Lo, you don't have to. I'll still be here, just take your time." He reached across and patted her arm gently. "My God, you're freezing! Here, put this on!" he said frantically, reaching for a blue hoodie that was draped haphazardly on the back of an armchair.

"It was all a lie." Lauren murmured as Joey passed her the hoodie.

"Sorry ...what was that?" Joey asked gently, sitting down next to her again.

"It was all a lie." Lauren repeated, slightly louder this time, pulling the hoodie over her head and engulfing herself in it.  "Two whole years, and it was all a lie."

Joey looked at Lauren, slightly perplexed, as she went on to recount the past few woeful hours.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2020 ⏰

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