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*Warning gruesome details, a bit of smut, and possible triggers*

Ethan's P.O.V.

The smell of intoxication by all the beer belly perverts was repulsing. Honestly, I was only here to get my money and go. Gray and I were currently at a strip club trying to look for a certain son of a bitch, that's been on the loose for way too long.

Unfortunately we got caught up in the show, which distracted us from finding him. Two girls made their way towards Gray and I. A blonde sat in my lap while a brunette sat in Gray's. We were getting a lap dance by barely dressed strippers for free.

Yes. You heard right. Its free if you promise to fuck them later. Well that's the special treatment we get since we are apparently their most attractive customers.

I slap the girls ass making her giggle, as she made her way down my body twerking. I was so used to this, I didn't even get horny anymore. Its simple business for Gray and I.

She grabbed my hand leading me to the private rooms. I looked back at Gray smirking. I gave him a thumbs up which made him chuckle lowly as we parted ways.

She opened the door grabbing me by the collar of my shirt pulling me closer to her lips. I walked her towards the bed, pushing her down. I hovered over her connecting my lips with hers as I undressed her. Which believe me, there wasn't much to undress.

I pull out my pocket knife watching her eyes grow fear inside of them. I pressed my knife on her stomach lightly making her squeal. I quickly covered her mouth. "Shh... Now we do this the easy way. Or the hard way." I hushed her.

I put my knife away as soon as she nodded. "Now if you don't mind, I have a little problem." I pointed doen at the bulge in my pants. She smirked getting down on her knees.

She panted heavily as she rode me, collapsing onto my chest as soon as she released. I flipped us over so that she was on the bottom. I pull out my knife once again. "You said you would do it the easy way?" She stuttered in fear eyeing the knife in my hand carefully.

"I lied." I smirked cynically as I cut lines into her stomach. She was shaking in fear so I placed my lips on hers bringing the knife up to her neck, stabbing her.

Her eyes were open as she slowly fell unconscious. They stared back at me creepily, I shuddered closing them. I went back to carve out my masterpiece.

I took all of her organs out and put them aside. Her chunks of skin and flesh were placed in a bag. I popped her eyes out of her socket by scooping them out with spoons. I looked at them in my hands.

"$6,000 on these babies." I laughed darkly. I quickly dispose of the sheets with gloves.

I walk out the room with the bag slung over my shoulder. Gray came out smirking in my direction. "How was she?" I asked.

"Her pussy didn't taste like skittles but it did taste sweet." He chuckled referencing a song.

We walk out of the club. No one seeming to acknowledge our presence. Everyone was drunken off their mind, which helped us in the sense that, they wouldn't remember us walking out with dead bodies.

We place the bags in the trunk driving off to our loyal client. He pays us for bodies because he is a cannibal. He was born into a wealthy family, which helps him purchase the body. The organs on the other hand, well we sell it to hospitals.

"Scott, we have two bodies for you." Gray said pointing at our trunk.

"Great.." His eyes were crazy as he rubbed his hands together, licking his lips. We opened the trunk handing him the bags as he handed us the suitcases full of money.

"Thanks for making business." I said before backing up out of his driveway. Gray opened our car compartment and pulled out a bag of weed with rolling paper. We rolled the weed into blunts.

"Light me up." I told Gray as he lit up my blunt. I inhaled a big puff of smoke. The music was blasting xxtentacion.

"Smell like donkey fart too." Gray sang along to Ski masks verse in take a step back. I laughed feeling my eyes close halfway. I was high as fuck.

"Yo Gray pass me the eye drops." I asked as we neared our apartment. I parked, making sure to place the drops in my eyes. Gray put some too.

"How was daycare, princess?" I asked my little one as she came running to me.

"Good, daddy." She giggled as I tickled her tummy.

"Good. They better not waste my damn money." I mumbled incoherently under my breath.

"Do you want me to get you ready for bed?" I asked her making her shake her head.

"I'm a big girl now." She ran to her room and shut her door. I laughed at my three year old going after her.

I go into her room with her back facing me. I go up behind her scooping her up in my arms as she squealed giggling.

"Daddy put me down." My beautiful daughter giggled brushing away a strand of hair from her face. I acted like I was an airplane, swaying her in the air making a propeller noise with my mouth.

I placed her on her bed. I turned the bath on, grabbing a pair of underwear and a pajama dress. I placed Lilah in the tub, watching her splash around.

"Be careful, princess. Don't get daddy wet." I said softly getting a bit of water on my shirt. I scrubbed her off making sure she smelt like her favorite smell. Rose petals. Because that's how princesses smell, she tells me cutely.

I dry her placing her underwear on. I slip her pink pajama dress over her head. I carried her over to her bed, tucking her in. "Goodnight, princess." I kissed her head.

"Goodnight, daddy." She said kissing my cheek.

" I love you." I said before leaving her room.

Pero que cute is ethan with his little daughter aww lol anyways I hope this is good and that no one finds this story yucky?

Word count: 1,077

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