Chapter 2

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"Wanna play a game,?  If so, keep this letter, purchase the book  and we'll continue , if not, stop reading, put the book back and proceed on with your life."

"Ah, so you've made it this far I see, you must be wondering why  I would stick a  letter in a book; a romance one none the less, well you see, I too enjoy reading romance novels, and before you ask, yes some men enjoy them just as much as women do. Anyways, I grabbed a random book on the shelves and placed this letter inside just for you to find. Just Kidding, I specifically chose this book given that I read it a few months ago and it encapsulated me like no other. Plus I have no idea if you'll actually do what this letter says, you may just throw it out and I'll never know.

Cutting to the chase, here are your instructions, I mean if you want your prize and all; wait, I forgot to mention the prize didn't I? Well let's save that for later.  My name has ten letters, five for my first name and five for my last. Each time you finish a task, you will get a letter. Let's begin:

Task #1: Go to Starbucks; specifically the one that's in our favourite bookstore, where you found my letter, and order a Cinnamon Dolce and read your book. Trust me, once you start you won't be able to put it down. When you're done with this task text 1-480-939-2124, and tell me what you thought of the book. Then you will receive the instructions on where to find the first letter of my first name. Good Luck!

I sat in my room at a loss for words, was I really going to do this? What did this person want anyway? They could be a serial killer for god's sake. Plus I had way to much work to do with school plus needing to find a job to help Steph and Bree pay the bills.

Hmm, what the hell, I need to get out more as it is. I sent Bree a quick text telling her I was going to be out for awhile and to not wait up, as her class ended at 9pm and it was already 8pm. I put on my converse and Pink hoodie, grabbed my keys and headed out. it was such a nice night I decided to walk instead of taking my car. 

I think it had been at least six months since I'd had anything from Starbucks. Being a student and the drinks costs so much there was no way I was gonna get addicted. But tonight I decided to treat myself and order a Venti Cinnamon Dolce, since it was the drink that mystery man had indicated and I was feeling thirsty. 

I found a cozy corner to curl up in, pulled out my book and read away, never pausing a moment, until suddenly I heard a voice, "Good book eh," I looked up to find a short blonde haired girl smiling at me. "Yeah, I haven't put it down all night." I replied. "Well miss just letting you know we are closing in ten minutes." I pulled out my phone to check the time, "Oh thanks I didn't realize it was so late." As she proceeded to tell the only other customer in the store the same generic message, I grabbed my things and decided to take a cab back to the apartment, given that it was 11:20pm. Stephanie and Briella probably think I got kidnapped or something. Even though I told Briella I'd be late I'm never out past 11pm.

As we pulled up to the front of my building I paid the driver and started to walk up the three flights to the third floor, screw the elevator, my legs felt like jelly from sitting all night. I paused at the top of the stairs remembering the letter, I pulled it out of my pocket to check the phone number mystery man left me, I typed it into my phone; 1-480-939-2124 "Hey, I finished the book, it was amazing."  I hit send and continued down the hallway. Briella was tucked away in her room studying for her physics test, but Stephanie was propped on the couch watching the newest episode of This is Us. As I sat with her to finish it my phone buzzed in my pocket. 

"Good, I'm glad you liked it, three blocks away from Barnes and Noble, is a diner, you'll find the first letter in the first item on the menu, enjoy." ;)

With that, I said goodnight to Stephanie and headed to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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