Chapter One

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When Emily was younger she was always very social and had lots of friends. She was living the best life she possibly could, she was surrounded by love and happiness. All of this slightly changed as she was growing up. School was tough for her. She made new friends all the time and went to fun parties during the first 2 years of high school. She really thought the people around her would stick with her for many more years. But unfortunately, she was wrong.

At the beginning of her Junior year in high school everything changed. She got into an argument with one of her friends who eventually set up a bunch of people against her. She lost most of her friends and the ones she actually kept talking to, weren't really her type of people. To say the least, she was very relieved when she graduated high school and wouldn't have to see all those people every day anymore.

Emily was extremely nervous to move away, but also happy to start over. She was moving to the other side of the country to attend university. She already had her first few weeks planned out. She would have a fun roommate who she could explore campus with. Besides that, she would also sign up for a few activities for new students to meet more people. She was ready for this new chapter in her life.

Emily looks through the small window of the airplane while she flies high above the clouds. She has only been on a plane a few times but she loves it. Seeing all the cities and roads so far beneath her gives her a feeling of freedom, as if she can conquer the world. She slowly nods her head to the music playing through her earphones while she shifts her attention back the magazine on her lap. It's a long flight but she doesn't really care. She has always loved long car rides so she could simply listen to music while looking outside, forgetting about everything else in her life. And even though this isn't a car, she still feels very calm and ready for whatever is waiting for her down on the ground.

Emily's POV

"Welcome to your dorm! This side of the room will be yours so you can drop all your stuff there. Take the rest of the day to unpack or to walk around campus, the weather is amazing today." I look around the room and one side is already taken up by my unknown roommate. I thank the girl who showed me where my room is before closing the door behind her. I walk over to the bed, my bed, and sit down on the edge. I take in my new surroundings and it still looks quite empty. Looks like my roommate hasn't been here for long either, barely anything is unpacked.

In contrast to my roommate, I decide to start unpacking immediately. I start of by putting all my clothes into my closet and putting my toiletries in the shared bathroom. I have already connected my phone to the speaker and I'm twirling around the room while lip-synching to my favorite songs. I take a few of my notebooks and pens and place them on the desk on my side of the room and look around satisfied. It's starting to look really nice with my stuff unpacked.

"Alright, I'll see you later dude!" I hear a voice say while the door swings open. I turn around to see who it is and I'm surprised to see a boy walking in. "Oh, hey. Who are you?" He says as he closes the door behind him and looks at me with a confused expression. "I'm Emily, who are you?" I reply, feeling uneasy. "I'm Luke." He smiles. "Okay, and what are you doing in my room? I'm pretty sure my roommate is supposed to be a girl." I say while looking him up and down. Nope, definitely not a girl.

"I'm your roommate." He says while grabbing a bag of chips from his desk. "That's impossible, I applied for a dorm with another girl, not a boy. This must be a mistake." I say while leaning back in my chair. I'll just go to the service desk and see if they messed up. It'll be alright. "You do realize that signing up for a female roommate doesn't mean you're guaranteed of getting one, right?" As soon as these words have left his mouth, my eyes go wide.

"What do you mean? There are plenty of girls around here to share a room with." I say and he laughs. "You can't always get what you want, you'll have to do it with me." He says while grabbing another chip from the bag and slowly chewing on it. "I'll walk to the service desk and see if they can change this." I say and he shrugs. "Good luck."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2018 ⏰

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