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I waited for Toni outside like usual around midnight. Every night since sophomore year, I would find transportation to Toni's house and pick her up to take her back to my house.

Freshmen year, Toni's parents divorced and it took a real toll on her and her mother. Her mother started abusing her terribly.

Toni would sneak to my house around midnight, somedays with bruises all over her face and body. It'd happen so frequently, I just started making the effort to come get her.

"Hi." Toni said getting in the car. I looked over at her and I took in her sadden beauty. I started the the car and drove off to my house. Without her even stating a word, I could tell she's happier than usual.

She didn't look depressed and wasn't crying. Also, no bruises. All good signs, and frankly, it's been this way for sometime. I just haven't gotten the chance to ask why she's all of a sudden happier.

My life has revolved around her for years now, since she was the weird, quiet girl who sat by herself everyday eating tuna sandwiches in the fourth grade. Fast forward 8 years, she's still that weird, quiet girl but I sit with her, along with some friends of ours.

Oh, and she switched to ham sandwiches.

Back then, I wasn't trying to make a friend out of her, to be honest, I was just bored and sick of my normal friends so I sat myself near Toni. She became a mystery to me after I first introduced myself. For weeks, she said nothing until she did and from then, I yearned to know more about her.

Now, I'm madly in love with her. She doesn't know it but that's fine. I don't think she wants a relationship right now or ever. Being her best friend is enough for me because I know she'd do every and anything for me.

As we pulled up at my house, she hopped out the car and went straight towards the backyard, our usual path. "Thanks for picking me up, Jan. I love you." She friendly said as we climbed through my windows.

"You know we're both too old for climbing through these damn windows." I said making her laugh. Her laugh contains little, cute snorts that I honestly can't get enough of.

Before I left to get her, I set out her sleeping bag she has here along with her pillow and extra blankets. She wrapped herself up and fell right asleep. Usually we have a conversation, but she must be extremely tired tonight. I kissed her head before I got in my bed and fell asleep.

Next morning...

"Girls, come on, it's time for breakfast." I heard my mother call. My mother expects Toni here every night, she doesn't know what is going on with Toni's family but she helps make Toni comfortable here.

I rolled out of bed and stepped over Toni to go to my bathroom. I took a quick shower and did my hygiene. When I walked out, Toni was naked. "Oh my.." I stuttered rushing to cover my eyes. "Toni, this happens way too often." I laughed.

"Yeah, one if it does, you shouldn't be as shocked every time. And two, you're my best friend, I don't care if you see my ass." She laughed. I still waited until she went into the bathroom to uncover my eyes.

As mesmerizing as she is, I don't want to see her body if she's not mine. At the moment, she's not. Hopefully one day though.

"Janet! I'm coming out!" I was about to answer back when I heard her speak again. "I'm wrapped in my toilet, don't worry." I sat on my bed and waited for her so we could go eat. "Later, we should go out." I suggested as she came out the bathroom.

"Actually, we do in fact have somewhere to be." She said. I rose my eyebrow at her. She didn't look like she wanted to tell me, so I didn't bother to push it. We finished getting ready then went downstairs for breakfast.
If you read my other books, you'll probably notice this chapter is rather short compared to others. This book is hopefully going to pull some emotions out of you guys so I want to keep the chapters short but detailed. So in advance, that's why the chapters will be short.

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