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"Wake up, amore. We're here." I groan and roll over on my side in an attempt to ignore Vincent as he shakes my shoulders. That was probably the best night sleep I've had since I've been with him, and then he just had to ruin it.

He continues to lightly shake my shoulders, but stops once I finally raise my head off the pillow.

"What could you possibly want? It's-," I reach for my phone over on the small nightstand. "4:00 a.m."

"We're here. We need to get in the car waiting outside. It'll take us home." It's then that I remember we're on a plane. Vincent's private plane to be exact. We've been flying for a little over nine hours and I'm exhausted. And even though Leonardo, Andreas, and Arabella are making the move with us, Vincent insisted they travel separately. Which is a load of bullshit if you ask me.

I reluctantly get up from the warm bed and make my way out into the main area of the plane, and find Vincent with both of our luggage.


"Yeah, let's go."


It's about another three hours in the car before we arrive to his actual house and not just one of his hideouts.

We both sat in the back while two of Vincent's men sat in the front. But surprisingly, he didn't try to start a conversation so I was finally able to think about the last couple of days.

Two days ago, he claimed that my father of all people, was the leader of his rival mafia, the Tallios. It's absolutely disgusting how low he thinks of my father. And my dad is terrified of Vincent, so I don't see how he could be leading a gang against him. Even now, I don't believe him. He's given me no evidence and no explanation, yet he still expects me to put all of my trust in him.

And even if he is right, if my dad really is the leader of the Tallios, I don't understand why Vincent would want to kill him. He mentioned something about shipments being stolen and money not getting paid, but couldn't that be settled without someone dying?

"What're you thinking so hard about, amore?" Vincent's strong voice broke the silence and made me look over at him. His eyebrows were drawn together and his eyes held curiosity.

"Nothing." I answer back, my voice void of any emotion.

Over the last couple of days, I realized that's the easiest way to interact with him; with no emotion. If he realizes he can't get a reaction out of me, then he doesn't even try. Which makes my life ten times easier. Hopefully I can keep it up long enough that he just gives up.

"I just want to let you know that we will be hosting a party tonight, and you are to accompany me." I scoffed at how he thinks he can just boss me around like I'm some little puppy who has to follow her owner's every command.

"And if I refuse?" I question, my voice calm, but inside, I was seething.

"Then you'll face the consequences." And at that, I couldn't contain the laugh that escaped my lips. Wow, how many times does he think he can use that before it gets old?

"Yeah, whatever." I respond dismissively, hoping he'd just drop the subject. But unfortunately, he turns to me and grips my chin, making me look him in the eyes.

"Listen gattina, I will not accept your attitude. You better fix it, and you better do it quick because my family will be attending the party, and I need you to be on your best behavior." He releases my chin.

I decide to keep my mouth shut as I turn away from him and look out of the window. As much as I didn't want to think about it, the thought of meeting his family keeps clawing at the back of my mind.

I didn't even know he had any family.

I assumed he preferred more of a 'lone wolf' status. He's always so closed off and gives most people the cold shoulder whenever they try to talk with him. I wonder if he treats them the same way.

I turn back to him, intent on asking him about his family, but I find him busy typing away on his phone. He must notice my gaze and looks up at me.

"Non è educato fissare, amare." He says. His lips form the words so fast and smooth that it was almost hard to look away.

"What?" Even though I was too busy paying attention to his mouth than his words, I still have no idea what he said, and have no idea what language he's speaking in. Italian?

"It's not polite to stare, love." My cheeks flush bright red and I immediately turn away, but his fingers grip my chin once again and make me look at him.

"You're cute when you blush, amore. I wonder how far that blush goes..." He lets his eyes trail down my body, slightly stopping at my chest before continuing down.

I feel as if my entire body is on fire as slowly makes his way up again.

"What would it take?"

"Excuse me?"

"What would it take to get you in bed?" He says, with no hesitation. Almost as if he hasn't put me in the most embarrassing situation in my life.

"A guy that I actually like." I answer back once my initial shock wore off. Although, I instantly regret it as he sends me a death glare and turns away.

Well, so much for showing no emotion.

I shake my head and turn back to the window. I have no idea how I'll survive a three hour car drive with his bipolar ass.

I'm not saying he has to completely shift gears and be completely friendly with me. Even though that would be really nice. I just wish he wouldn't be a total ass all the time. Especially when I'm trying my best to be passive. But irritating me seems to be one of his favorite pass times.

Speaking of pass times, what does he like to do? I mean, he leave me locked in his room, sometimes for hours on end, without me knowing where he's going or when he'll come back.

I'm sure he's off doing whatever it is that mafia bosses do, but it's still intriguing to think about. He obviously likes to workout, that much is clear, judging by the muscles outlined in his tight black t-shirt.

I'll have to ask him about it someday. Because, let's be honest, I'm stuck here, so might as well try to make conversation once in a while.

But for the time being, I lean my head on the window and close my eyes, hoping that this day just ends as soon as possible.


Hey guys, I think Wattpad has sorted out its issues (for me at least) and I said I'd update once it was fixed.

And on a completely different note, THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 668 reads! (I know it may not seem like a lot, but that's fucking fantastic) WE'RE ALMOST AT 1,000, SO STAY WITH ME!😁

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