The shadow theif

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*My sister and I were running down the street, my sister was crying and she was having trouble keeping up.*

"Jace I wanna go home please *Sniff* I just wanna see mommy and daddy"

I flinched and sighed. I stopped and put my hands on her shoulders.

"Kira" She looked up at me with her beautiful honey colored eyes "We can't go home.... we can never go home" 

I looked at her again "Mommy and daddy are gone"

She looked up at me "When are they coming back"

Not having the heart to tell her that they were never coming back I just wrapped my arm around her shoulder and started walking rubbing her arm trying to comfort her and well myself.

"I don't know Kira I don't know" 

We continued walking down the street, we'd been walking for about two days start and we were both exhausted if it wasn't for our werewolf blood we would have passed out by now. Yea I know werewolf when you think of werewolves you think of big hairy beast that walk on two legs and loose their minds changing on full moons. No we look just like normal wolves though we are bigger. Niether me nor me sister had shifted yet we probably won't for a while either.

I found an alley and decided we needed to stay here,

"Kira this way" I directed her into the alley.

I found a cardboard box and crawled inside, I took my jacket off and wrapped it around me and her. We both sat there still in shock but both echausted and willing ourselves to sleep. I was barely six and Kira was almost five. I don't know how I'm going to but I am going to keep her safe I have to."

*Three years later*

I jerked awake hearing something rattleing near my head. I looked around and saw a rat scurring away because of my sudden movement. I sighed and looked down the alley people were already walking up and down the market, shopping. Looking over at Kira, I couldn't help but smiled, it has been three years since we first were on our on. Kira was laying on her side curled into a ball with a old moth eaten blanket I had once stolen off a truck and it was parked in the street. Kira has golden blond hair, and honey colored eyes she looked exactly like our mother had..... I think. I can't remeber much from back then I only have a slightly blurry image of our parents. I decided to wake Kira up, so I could grab breakfast for us.

"Kira" I whispered shaking her "Kira wake up" I rolled her over and pulled the blanket off her.

"Fine Jace im up" She started laughing,

"I'm going to grab some breakfast"

Kira suddenly became really serious. "Be careful"

I nodded my head and ran out of the alley varefully trying not to look suspicious. We had no money so I'm guesiing you already know what I had to do. I've been doing this for three years now and have yet to get caught though in the beggining there were many close calls. I strolled up and down market street looking for the easiest target. Thats perfect I thought as I looked at Mr.Kennedy's restaurant I quietly snuck in and waited for the perfect moment, All the employies were busy and the few behind the counter were looking another direction. I slipped behind the counter not even making a noise. I croutched and lookked into the kitchen all the cooks were busy cooking, I slowly walked in still crouched and grabbed two loafs of bread and some cheese off the counter making sure it didn't look like anythingn was missing. I tucked all of it in my jacket so they wouldn't fall out and quitely walked out of the room still croutchin. I looked back behind the counter and carefully jumped over the counter making sure no one saw me. I slipped out of the restaurant and headed towards the alleyway to hand the food to my sister. We sat down agaist the wall and started to dig in.

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