Last Day

360 18 8

8:47 a.m.

I wake up on a hospital bed. My outfit mirrors the others in the building. I wear a blue and white gown that reaches down to my ankles.

I am attached to the bed with multiple bags and wires.

Today, I know is my last day.

The doctors have agreed to let me do whatever I want today.


They won't even follow me.

I can do whatever. Anything.

Everything I was unable to do for the past years because I was stuck to this bed, I have the opportunity to do now.


I push the red button on my arm rest that calls a nurse to my room.

"Hello Mia, are you ready?"

Was that a rhetorical question? Hell yeah I'm ready, and I've never been more ready for anything else.

"Yes Catherine, I'm ready."

All the nurses had been trained for this moment. The will and everything else had been prepared a week ago and they asked me for my final wish.

This last freedom is my wish.

Catherine detached all the wires and bags from my body. Even the oxygen one- I wanted to spend my last day with myself only. I didn't want a stupid bag with me.

She pushed the button to make my bed go up midway. I now sat in a sitting position. She stuck out a lending hand but I didn't take it. Knowing it must've seen rude I apologized, "I want to do this day all by myself. Sorry."

I honestly did not like her but why should I be in heaven tomorrow and feel regret for having been rude to her?

She smiled my way as I finally stood up.

I had been in PT for a while so I could walk decently well. But today I didn't plan to only walk.

8:56 a.m.

I am at the front desk. Signing the release forms. My family should be signing it but they're all gone. And I'll be joining them shortly.

I sign them quickly knowing I have no time to waste.

9:07 a.m.

I am now allowed to leave and oh, I do. Immediately.

I already hailed a cab and I ordered them to take me to 3674 Portman Blvd.

"Ma'am, you do know that's an hour drive, yes?" The driver asks.

"I know. But can you try to hurry? I'm on a busy schedule."

A look of confusion and annoyance crosses his face, but quickly leaves it.

"Sure, I'll try my best."

"Thank you."

And those were the last words spoken during the drive.

I spent the hour looking out the window towards the streets and buildings I've known since I was a little girl.

10:02 a.m.

"We've arrived."

I hand the driver cash and exit. I don't care about the change. And hopefully he'll be glad with the tip so I can leave knowing I made him happy.

I look at the house in front of me. This isn't the house where my parents passed. It has been rebuilt. Well obviously it had to be, considering the fire damage.

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