27 Lessons I've Learned at 27 Years Young

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1. Some people are just keepers. Some friends are just keepers. You keep them in your heart, pray for them and you don't let them go because they are diamonds.

2. Less expectation will save you tons of heartbreaks so I always remind myself to expect less.

3. You don't stay with someone who doesn't appreciate you. If someone treats you badly, remove that person from your life in a heartbeat.

4. Love is not just about loving that person. Love is about a connection with the one you love.

5. Friendships will fade away, relationships will change. It doesn't mean that it's not going to hurt or suck, but it's an inevitability of getting older. All fighting it will do is prolong the hurt.

6. Just because you think it, doesn't mean you should say it. We've all had a dickish thought once or twice (or more) but you don't have to be a dick, you really don't.

7. Just say "NO" if you don't want to do something. Don't give much excuses.

8. If something isn't right, change it.

9. Being able to laugh at yourself makes everything a little easier. Nothing is more exhausting than someone who takes things too seriously. Laugh at yourself. Make fun of yourself. You'll be happier.

10. Take time for yourself because you deserve your time.

11. You have the power to change your life and make your own happiness.

12. Trusting your gut because your gut knows what's up.

13. Nobody's life is as good as you think. Everyone has their own problems.

14. Worrying gets you nowhere.

15. You're your own true enemy. If you believe you're suck, you're right. If you believe you're pretty, you're right again. You're better than you think you are.

16. Stay humble.

17. Happiness is something that can happen anytime. Appreciate what you have and what you have not.

18. Remove negative people in your life.

19. Be someone people can count on.

20. Don't brag because not everyone gives a fuck about your accomplishments.

21. We fall so we can learn from our mistakes, become better and try again. Failure is an opportunity to learn.

22. Speak up is the most important thing you should do if you disagree with something.

23. The decisions you have made in your life were meant to happen. Have no regrets.

24. Spending your time worrying and daydreaming takes away from the life that's going by right in front of your face.

25. Don't do things because you want to prove other people wrong.

26. If you know you did something wrong, be an adult and apologize. If you're in the wrong then make the amends to make the situation right.

27. Don't change who you are for anyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2017 ⏰

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