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General Organas voice trembled as she spoke to the remnants of the resistance on the Falcon,

"I know, we've had," she sighs " many losses."

Everyone seems to stare at their feet, you don't know who goes through their heads, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, but you know who goes through yours.

You don't know what you felt earlier, something inside you, your intuition you think, told you Luke Skywalker was dead.

You'd lost your best friend too. They got blown up when you were fighting that dreadnought. They were in the Black squad, you were in Red.

It'd also built a wedge between you and Poe. You blamed him for their death, you still do.

But he was your friend, and in a galaxy like this, saving the people you love, is the only thing you can really do anymore.

You knew you wouldn't be able to fly a x-wing after this. And not just because all of the resistances x-wings got blown up. The thought of even trying to sit in that cockpit again, it hurt.

You could've helped. But you froze, and Poe yelled at you for it. He did these things sometimes, where he blamed others for his mistakes. You couldn't shoot at tie-fighters anymore or stormtroopers, or...really anyone in the first order. Not since you met Finn and realized not everyone in the first order was a monster behind a mask. They were people. Real people. With thoughts and feelings.

"But the First Order...there's not many of us left, with the Republic gone, we need someone to keep a close eye on them. What I'm trying to say is, we need an eye on the inside. An undercover recruit." Leia says, eyes scanning the crowd for a volunteer.

Of course Poe jumped at the chance to help the Resistance first. But he'd be too easily recognized, he'd be caught almost instantly.

"I'll do it."

All heads turned to you,

You weren't exactly the most well liked around here. Most people knew you as "that anxious x-wing pilot" but now, maybe you could be brave, or at least know as "that courageous x-wing pilot."

But you'd probably be know as "that dead x-wing pilot" if you went through with this...

Finn and Poe practically jumped to the conclusion that you couldn't, and protested it.

Leia turned to face you.

Leia was like a mentor to you. You parents, well you weren't sure where they were. They said were going to a neighboring system one day when you were thirteen, but they never came back. You liked to think that they were dead.

"I can do it, I really can." You protested.

Leia sighed. Finn and Poe turned to you and begged you to stay.

"No, who will I be if I stay here and do nothing? All of you have risked your lives, what have I done? Nothing. I'm just a coward who can't even shoot a blaster. I'm..." your voice falters, "I'm doing this."

You can read the expression on Leia's face. She knew you were going to go with her permission or not.

She pinches her lips togethe, "Finn do you still have your technician suit from you infiltration of the base?" Leia questioned

"Yes General." Finn nods.

"Give it to _____. Well discuss the details later."


"Rey, it's nice to meet you, I've heard so much about you."

"What you did there, that was really brave." She says smiling sweetly at you.

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