Chapter 11

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Hello guys! It's a lovely Saturday morning on a day where I have to go to a wedding! So where does this put me? Writing for all of you lovely people!

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia! Enjoy.

To put it simply: French class was simple.

Emil didn't know about anyone else, but picking up languages just seemed to be a natural thing for him, like breathing. Maybe it was because he grew up speaking Icelandic, which was one of the most complicated languages out there, and had then learned English a few years back. Whatever the reason may be, Emil was grateful for it.

Not only did it make it incredibly easy for him to get through his homework and he didn't have to worry about any quizzes or tests, but it also meant that he finished his work early and had the rest of the class to do whatever he wanted. Of course, this usually consisted of reading, as a, he didn't have many friends in the first place, and b, the other kids usually took the entire class to finish their work on account of their tendency to chat more than work.

This usually didn't bother him; he thought that the constant chatter of his classmates made lovely background noise to whatever book he was currently engrossed in. And the fact that he always finished early really contributed to the amount of time he spent reading. It'd even effected how much he read at home: what'd been a normal amount of time spent reading nearly tripled. Lukas had actually become concerned to the point where he, another great lover of literature, sat him down and asked him what was wrong.

The twenty minutes that had followed had been incredibly awkward and not at all necessary. For the love of Thor, he was just reading! Was that such a crime? Apparently so.

On this particular day, fate seemed not to be on his side. On top of his previous bad day, for once the noise is actually getting to him. How the hell had he not noticed how annoying all of these people were?!

... Oh wait. He'd known how annoying they were, he just ignored them. In fact, it wasn't their talking that annoyed him, it was their need to be obnoxious and loud and overall irritating. And the happiness. How can people be that happy all of the time? It was absolutely mind boggling.

On this particular day, Emil came in and immediately started his work, just like always. When he was finished, as the teacher hadn't yet entered the room (seriously, who thought that it was a good idea to leave a class of teenagers who desperately wanted to go home alone in a classroom?), pulled out one of his many books. He read comfortably for around a minute when someone pulled out the chair next to him.

Emil looked up, slightly annoyed. No one ever sat next to him in this class unless there was no other option. And, he noted, there were plenty of seats left empty. When he caught sight of the stranger, however, the annoyance all but disappeared. This boy was incredibly beautiful, he thought. Emil then blushed and cursed himself for thinking that. Boys weren't meant to be beautiful, and he wasn't meant to think that they were!

Emil couldn't help but notice that he was, however. The boy had choppy brown hair, which was gelled up stylishly, smooth, dark skin, and amber eyes. Oh, his eyes. They were bright, despite the owner's uninterested expression. The color was rich and warm, making Emil want to stare into them for hours on end, just to feel that warmth. His blush darkened and he forced himself to turn back to his book before he was noticed.

Oh yes. He knew this boy. This was Leon, the apparent not-so-new that Matthias had been talking about.

"I'm Wang Li Xiao."

Emil started, snapping his attention back to Leon. Wang Li Xiao? Matthias said that his name was Leon... "Emil Steilsson," he answered, trying not to let his confusion show. That, of course, failed on account of his big mouth. "But I thought your name was Leon." Immediately he blushed (again!) and covered his mouth with his hand. "Sorry, that was rude and I-"

Wang Li Xiao- Leon?- waved a hand in dismissal. "It's fine. My name is Li Xiao, but my stupid cousin calls me Leon because Li Xiao is 'too Chinese' for his taste." Li Xiao looked mildly irritated.

"That's racist!" Emil exclaimed. He couldn't stand racist people.

"I know," he muttered. "Arthur hates anything to do with my older brother, and he named me, so he automatically hates my name. Figured that he'd better 'Americanize' my name if I'd be living here. And it stuck," Li Xiao waved his hand around, gesturing at the other students. "So I'm known as Leon."

"Oh." Very intelligent answer, Emil. He mentally facepalmed. Why did he have to be socially stunted?! "Doesn't it bother you?" ... And there you go again with your big mouth! You can't just ask people you've just met personal questions like that, stupid! Li Xiao's answer interrupted his mental yelling.

"Not really. It did more when I first got here than it does now."

He breathed a sigh of relief. That wasn't a total train wreck, he supposed. Now he just had to keep it up for the rest of the class. Woah. Woahwoahwoahwoah. Since when had he planned to keep talking to Li Xiao?

"You don't talk to many people, do you?" Li Xiao again interrupted Emil's thoughts, but this time he sounded amused. When he looked up, however, he found that his facial features hadn't changed in the slightest. Emil silently hoped that Li Xiao wasn't another Lukas. ... Wait.

Why was he thinking like this? Li Xiao wasn't going to suddenly jump through hoops to be his friend. He was just bored and Emil was there, he told himself. That's all.

"I'll take that as a no, then."

"Huh?" Even though Emil knew what he said, it was like a reflex. An annoying reflex. "No, I don- Hey!"

Li Xiao chuckled, much to Emil's chagrin. "Socially awkward or just antisocial?" Before Emil could answer, Li Xiao answered his own question. Eyes raking over his body, he idly commented, "Probably both for you."

"Hey!" He protested again. "I am not antisocial! And I'm not that awkward..." He muttered.

He chuckled again. "Sure, kid. Sure."

And Hong Kong finally makes an appearance! So I want to post more fics! They'd be based off of songs, however, because they're easy to pull inspiration from. Songs I'd want to write for include:

- Cooler Than Me

- If I Die Young

- Some Nights

- Hallelujah

That's it for now, but I want you all to suggest songs! So yeah, in your review list a song and a pairing, PLEASE! Adios~

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